My "WTH just happened" Cool Heat mini haul


Well-known member
Ugh, so I went to the MAC website and got SUPER excited to see Cool Heat was available. I seriously almost put everything in my cart, but when I saw the total I had a mild heart attack and ended up just getting Tropic Glow, By Degrees, and Gentle Simmer Slimshines. I'm debating on getting the other two, but I'm definitely getting a couple of the shadows later.

Geez. I don't even know how it happened. One minute I'm just getting home from work, the next I'm checking out the MAC website, and then all of a sudden I'm $76.51 down the hole (my impatient behind got overnight shipping). Ahh what's wrong with me?!


Well-known member
Ahaha! welcome to the MAC Blackouts! I seriously almost did that with Antiquitease! When I saw the $120 something total, I nearly crapped my pants because it all happend in like 20 seconds! You are going to love those slimshine, though!! Enjoy!


Well-known member
lol.. i just stoped myself of doing the same thing... i decided to go to the store and check everything out... enjoy ur new stuff!!!


Well-known member
The MAC website is daaaangerous. I ordered some of the Cool Heat myself today!
Sounds like you got some awesome stuff! Enjoy!


Well-known member
Thanks lovies, I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun with them!

Originally Posted by BaDKiTTy69
lol.. i just stoped myself of doing the same thing... i decided to go to the store and check everything out... enjoy ur new stuff!!!

Cool Heat is out in stores now? Darn, I could have saved $10. Oh well, getting packages in the mail is still fun


Well-known member
LOL, buyers remorse
Never mind, we all have it - just push it to the side and think about how pretty those slimshines are going to be when you get them on!! Great haul


Well-known member
HAHAHAHAHAH!! I'm glad you can control yourself! I swear, I close my eyes when I see the total. lol maybe you should try it! hahaha...

You'll love the collection!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TamEva Le Fay
Ooooh uh uhhh...Oh NO you didn't with the overnight shipping???

So it's like that huh?

Yes, it is like that. lol. and it's a good thing I got them today because I having such a good day at work, then two guys I worked with totally ruined it and made me feel shitty.

anyhow, here they are in all their Slimshine-y awesome-ness


L-R: Tropic Glow
, Gentle Simmer, By Degrees, and Bingo! Plushglass

Yay for MAC making you feel better after a crappy day!


Active member
those slimshines look awesome and now even I want to try it even though I'm constantly telling myself, "No, I don't want....." ahhhhhhhhhhh