NARS eyeliner pencil


Well-known member
Do you girls like NARS colored eyeliner pencils? They look so hard and pointy/ Are they soft, how is the color payoff? If you don't like them, which ones do you recommend...thanks girls!


New member
I only have the Black Moon pencil, and I do find it a little hard. I struggle to get it to make a smooth line on my upper lashline, but it works really well on my bottom lashline, where I can get a bit more tension, so it doesn't skip.

Hope this helps! =)


Active member

i so far have only "black moon".. and honestly i dont recommend it at all.. its a bit hard to get the color on your lid.. but i keep forgetting to try this method: warming up the tip with hair dryer before application.. it should ease things
but in general if your looking for a black eyeliner.. there are many out there which are way better.
on the other hand.. i have "Kitty" on my wish list since i really LOVE the color! it was so vibrant when i tried it on my hand


Well-known member
ITA. It pains me to say this, b/c I love NARS... but the e/l's stink for the money. MAC is so much better, for example, and more reasonably priced.

NARS is good for a fair number of their shadows, foundation and the blushes !! are where it's at for me.