Need help identifying a MAC Collection


Well-known member
Hey ya'll does anybody know the name of a collection that launched a few years ago, that had the mac lipglasses with the teal blue green packaging ??? One lipglass was like a creamy white with pink sparkle. TIA


Well-known member
Thank you so much!!! I loved that white creamy pink sparkle lipglass. Now I can research the collection & try to find a dupe for it!!!! Or maybe MAC will repromote it (wishful thinking) !!!! Thanks again!!


Well-known member
There are pictures of the Lure collection here, with the lipglass I think you are referring to


Well-known member
On another site, someone says that Phosphorelle is virtually identical to MAC's Elle lipglass, if that helps


Well-known member
Haha! That collection pic was a blast from the past! I remember that my local MAC counter would not display it, because of our location (in the Bible Belt) and the fear that the conservative people around would complain about it being too lurid! Such nonsense!


Well-known member
I have Phospherelle and it has gone bad but I refuse to toss it. Now I need to find Elle so I can lol

I would look for another Phosphorelle first. The Elle came out around 2005 or so, the Phosphorelle was after that. My Elle turned so I tossed it. Now I am working on my Phosphorelle.