Not able to edit Sales post?


Well-known member
Is anyone else having trouble editing their sales post?

I've tried several times but no luck in saving the changes...


Well-known member
I just heard about this issue yesterday. I will have to do some testing to see if this needs to be forwarded on to our Technical Admin or if it's something I can fix.


Well-known member
Thanks, Janice!

A little more detail: When I click on Save, it just keeps looping around...And when I refresh the page, changes are gone...


Well-known member
I mentioned this to Janice already... I have the EXACT same problem as fash10nista!

I press "save" and it loops around. I read a book while waiting, hoping the page will eventually load... but nothing...


Well-known member
I don't want to be an annoyance by pestering you - sorry! I'm just worried that people will get angry with me if my Sales Thread is not up to date. Any news on the problem with not being able to edit?


Well-known member
Okay, need to try to get some information so we can work on tracking this little bug down.

Please try to give me as much information as you can with the following questions:

1) Does this happen when loading the thread, or when submitting the post?

2) If the latter, does the submission go through when you check after?

3) Any other circumstances that you can think of?

4) Can you reproduce the problem with steps?


Well-known member
I am able to load the page, get into my thread to edit, which I do... but when I click "save" it just spins and spins... until after 10 minutes or so, I give up and leave it to try another day.

I am also able to type up a new sales thread (Dawn said she would delete the old one) but when I try to preview the page, it goes to a page that reads, "page not found."

I tried to save the new sales thread, without previewing it, and it also goes to a page that reads, "page not found."

I tried Safari and Firefox. In other words, I can do everything but "save" - I can't
even save a new thread in the sales section.

Let me know if I can answer any more questions...


Well-known member
I can pull up the page just fine, edit fine but when it comes time to save, nada!!! Once I click on Save, it just keeps looping...

I've tried both Firefox and IE 6, still no luck...

Refreshing the page just nixes the changes and I'm back to square one...*sigh*


Well-known member
my problem is with posting a new thread.

i put the title in, the info in message(all the post info, pictures/text) and i've tried clicking both submit new thread and preview post and i get this link:

and it's a simple white page in the left top corner says Page not found.

hope this gets figured out :/

i have only tried firefox. i don't think i even have IE on my computer anymore(at least not that i can find :/)


Active member
Just to let you know that I have this problem too.

I load the thread fine.

I wanted to edit the first post in my sale thread (to reflect current sale/swap items). I click Edit, edit the text, click save- the spin dial just goes round and round...

If I click 'Go Advanced' then it just loads a white blank page with the text says "Page not found".

If I try to reply at the bottom of the thread, it just makes the spinning logo appear.

I have had the same thing happen in two threads that I have tried to post to or edit.

I have noticed, however, that it lables the threads as edited- even though the text hasnt been altered.

Any help would be apprecited.


Well-known member
We think we tracked this down, please let me know if you continue to experience this issue.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Meryl
I am able to load the page, get into my thread to edit, which I do... but when I click "save" it just spins and spins... until after 10 minutes or so, I give up and leave it to try another day.

I had exactly this problem with the first post in my


It does work now again! Thank you!