Opinions on Makeup Case 1.6


Well-known member
I really like the MAC traincase! Yes I have to admit that I can't fit all my stuff in it (I keep my foundation and powder in a seperate large Sateen) but it's really good!
And to the tipping over fact: It really depends on how you store all your stuff....I keep my most heavy items in the bottom (e/s palettes) and the light stuff (lipgloss etc) in the first tray!

If you need pics, just let me know and I'll make some!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by baby_yousei
Not my auction, but this one looks exactly like the MAC traincase, not sure about the insulation, but definitely a good knockoff if you're just looking for the design


WOW! That case does look exactly like the MAC train case... too bad I just bought one from Sephora... BTW Sephora has there 20% off family and friends going on now.


Well-known member
i bought one and used it for a while. but then it was stolen when i got robbbed. when i got back to buying some stuff back, i didn't want to spend so much on the traincase cause i had so much makeup to replace. i ended up getting the black midnight traincase from sephora (i know, i felt like such a MAC traitor) but i've come to love it much more than the one from MAC). with it's little dividers and the fact that the trays are on both sides (not just one like MAC) it's so much better for organization!!


Well-known member
I have the 1.6 and I must admit I didnt really want to spend that much on a traincase, I picked it up at a cco instead of instores it cost me only $157.50 I believe instead of the normal $225 (30% off)

and really and truly it is the love of my makeup life, its quite easy to have open you can see everything spred out in the little shelves and if you put something on them (like paper towels) it keep from making a mess as well as from rolling around a whole lot.

I havent had it very long but for the time I have, I would rebuy it.