Over-Booked and Overwhelmed!


Well-known member
The story of my life.

Every weekend it's something.

Today I feel incredibly irritated; not because of the two birthday parties that I am attending, but because I have issues with saying "we need some down-time" or "I'm already committed".

My Mother called this morning telling me she was coming over to drop off a few things- which at first I agreed - but had to call her back to explain that I'm just too busy but said I'd love to see her tomorrow. She got really short and pissy and was quick to get off of the phone.

Damned if I do - damned if I dont.

I know its my fault, I know. but I'm tired.

This is my cry to myself to do only things that I REALLY want to do and to learn to say "no" and be okay with my decision.

Anyone else struggle with this!?


Well-known member
Absolutely. I tend to say "yes" to things, and then check my schedule later. Only to realize I've already said yes to something else, or that I've got bombarded with homework that week. Then I'll have to end up cancelling something. So now, I'm trying to check before I make a commitment.

The truth is you can't be everywhere all the time. Since there is so much going on, I'd commit to one thing a weekend (or whatever you feel comfortable with). After that is filled, you HAVE to let people know you already have other things going on. You don't need to give a lot of details on what, where, when. I find the least amount said is the best.

It's easier said then done, but it has to be you who frees up your schedule. It is flattering to get invited to so many things, but your time is just as important.


Well-known member
yup i totally understand. it's more with work than my social life but i always feel i have to say yes and do any extra things that are asked of me. mainly because i can't say no and i worry about dissapointing people at head office.

with my social life kind of have the same problem... i used to get asked out with another couple quite alot. and me and nick would like going out for meals and the cinema with them. the problem was that she had other friends that she loved to also invite so before you know it, the cosy couple meal turned into a 10 person thing. and because me and nick didn't know the friends (and didn't want to either because they were all kinda odd!) we'd end up feeling uncomfortable. so i'd always agree to go to her face but when we'd find out that loads of others were going i'd call her and make an excuse that i couldn't go. really i should just say outright 'no' but it's hard!


Well-known member

Im very selfish about my rest and sanity. I'll be damned if anyone gets in the way with it. I have absolutely no prob saying no to family or friends. Shoot I say no all the time to lots of things.


Well-known member
I used to find it hard to say no to people. That somehow changed when I get older... If my friends ask me out and I feel like I prefer to stay at home, I'll tell them no.