::panic attack:: i'm not on the freelance/on call list for tomorrow, but i SWEAR


Well-known member
thatn i should be on the list.

i called the store today to confirm.

they said, "you're not on the list. are you sure it's this store?"

and i'm pretty certain--about 99% certain!


::rips hair out::

now i'm paranoid thinking it was for nov 23k, which i HIGHLY, HIGHLY doubt. because i remember how the conversation went. she gave me a list of dates and because of finals, i couldn't do them! so i know none of the dates were in nov! and the phone number was an SF store. m and it was not a cou8nter, and it's the same phone number i called today.

i'm jsut scared that i am supposed to be working and i'm on a list somewhere and i don't know whwerre!