Picture Perfect.


Well-known member
So im in kind of a rush and I dont have time to look through all the threads so if this has already been posted, feel free to re-direct me.

I'll be leaving for Toronto in about a week and I intend on taking a million pictures, so im wondering, im NEVER seen without foundation, and when I normally take pictures, my face tends to look like crap, the foundation looks about ten shades too light or as some would refer as it being "whited-out".Im currently using "Diorskin Sculpt in 030" and "Dior : Long wearing moisturizing concealer in 430".Im pretty sure the reason why my foundation looks off is because of the SPF they added so im wondering what kind I should use?I know some people say you should get a foundation slightly darker than your skin for a photoshoot, but i'll be wearing this foundation all day, so I don't want it to look off.

Any suggestions?


Well-known member
Try Mineralize Skinfinish Naturals. They're light and give u an airbrushed look. If u dont want to appear so light, try Medium Dark


Well-known member
To prevent the reflective situation causing the blanched look, you need something with a very low level of Titanium Dioxide. Most products made specifically for photography will work for this- MUFE face and body, matte velvet, duo matte, Smashbox conversion cream, Shu nobara. Those are all great for photography. You shouldn't go darker with makeup for a photoshoot by the way, that's a sign of using inappropriate products for the job.

Those I mentioned above are your best bets, as they are the most commercially available to the general public. Cinema Secrets, Graftobian, and RCMA are also excellent for photography, though less easily obtained by the average consumer.