Pink e/s recs?


New member
Hi y'all. I'm a longtime lurker, first time poster.

I have a question about products. I've been looking all over for a pinky gold e/s that comes off on my NW45 lids as they do in pan. I adore Ben Nye, for reference. I got Mac Expensive Pink and w/ a Color Tattoo Inked in Pink base, it pulls more pink but not close to the color in pan. What can give me that effect?
I don't want a whole palette but I like the look of the colors in the Naked3 palette and want something that'll give me that pinky effect on my eyes.

Max $18.



Well-known member
Welcome!! Forgive me for being terse, I just have some ideas off the top of my head: MAC: Swish Cranberry Pink Freeze Sushi Flower Stars N' Rockets UD Woodstock BN Cherry Red (this pulls pink on me NC50/NW43) Random, but have you thought about using a blush you have as an eyeshadow? I do that and the opposite sometimes. Just make sure the product is eye safe.