Pissed off...


Well-known member
I'm very upset right now. It all started yesterday when I was walking to school to meet up with a friend to buy her spanish book. Along the way, this middle aged man kept trying to catch up with me and I just tried to speed up a little and mind my own business. Out of nowhere he got out his cell and took a pic of my chest and said some very obscene things to me about it. I was in shock, especially since I was wearing a sweat shirt. So I sped walked to campus feeling so gross and angry that he had some nerve to do such a thing.

Just when I finally calmed down today, on my way walking home from campus two middle aged men were standing on the side of the road and out of nowhere started making comments about my chest. This time, I was a lot more scared since this is like two days in a row that I've received obscene remarks about my body.

Now when I think about it, I'm pretty pissed at myself for not doing anything about it. But I don't know how I could've handle both situations other than to walk away and disregard their comments. However, the scary thing about both situations is that they happend in broad day light. For the first time in the three years I've lived in Seattle, I feel very scared about walking by myself.

Well I just wanted to vent that out....


Well-known member
That is creepy ::shudders::, maybe try to walk with someone when possible, and get one of those keychains with a little whistle just in case

Some people have a lot of nerve, that pisses me off too but it's good that you didn't make a scene, who knows what they would have done (or how psycho they are)

Stay safe!


Well-known member
Maybe I'm being overly cautious but I would call the police. They may not actually mean any harm but who knows if they are or aren't abductors or worse? We read about too many people who go out for a walk or to the corner store for a gallon of milk and never return home - it's not worth taking that risk, especially if you don't know what they're capable of. On the most basic level, they shouldn't be behaving that way and maybe if they get a talking to from or picked up by the cops, they might stop. If you see them again I'd duck in to the nearest safe place and call the cops immediately.


Well-known member
I would alert all local officials. Mace the next fucker who pulls out his camera phone to take picture. Call 911 when you see creeps hanging out or even looking at you funny.

Please, take this seriously and start alerting the campus police and local police.


Well-known member
Thank you guys....I really need to get some mace and that whistle keychain sounds like a good idea too.

It really sucks how my roomie and I have different schedules so we can't walk together all the time. However, I decided that I'll crash at my friend's apartment on campus if it's too dark/late to walk alone.

As for the police, yeah I should def have their number on my cell. The more I keep thinking about it, the more I keep thinking that I could've been kidnapped or even worse.

Again, thank you guys for reading.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Spam.n.Rice
It really sucks how my roomie and I have different schedules so we can't walk together all the time. However, I decided that I'll crash at my friend's apartment on campus if it's too dark/late to walk alone.

Does your campus have any kind of security that could escort you if it's late or you feel uncomfortable alone?


Well-known member
Definitely let the police know about the incident even if its after the fact. The can start patrolling that area better and maybe it'll be less likely that you'll have anymore encounters. My biggest fear EVER(especially when I was a younger teenager) is getting attacked/raped :-S


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasper17
Maybe I'm being overly cautious but I would call the police. They may not actually mean any harm but who knows if they are or aren't abductors or worse? We read about too many people who go out for a walk or to the corner store for a gallon of milk and never return home - it's not worth taking that risk, especially if you don't know what they're capable of. On the most basic level, they shouldn't be behaving that way and maybe if they get a talking to from or picked up by the cops, they might stop. If you see them again I'd duck in to the nearest safe place and call the cops immediately.

There's nothing overly cautious about that. Those f***ing perverts aren't ever going to realise they're doing something wrong until they get into trouble. ooh I'm so bloody mad on your behalf. I mean, I get pissed off enough when men deliberately follow me/pull my hair/walk faster to keep up with me so they can hassle me about my ethnicity...but your situation just takes the cake.

Call the cops and report it. You do have to take this sort of thing seriously. How dare those fuckers...*steam coming out of ears*


Well-known member
Speaking of harassment...I have an ex-friend who has been harassing me b/c of acusations about a boy that she's "in love with" & i think is a total scum bag so I hate him with a passion. Yet she's so angry that he liked me at one point & she saw my # on his phone bill(incoming & outgoing)...yet, again I hate him with a passion. Those calls were coming from him & me returning them saying "leave me alone". So Saturday night when I'm at work she leaves a voice mail on my phone saying that next time she comes into the store & I don't help her she's filing a complaint with the store manager. I asked mybest friend who was working with me if she saw the 2 girls come in & she said no, and neither had I. Then I come home at 1:30am that same night & had a funny feeling she would try something at my house(she's really immature & known for this) so I had my brights on driving on my street. My brother came home at 4am and saw there was a gift bag left on my mom's Jeep(that I drive) so he put it in my room. When I opened it, there was a burned barbie doll(I got burned when I was 2 1/2) and a used condom in the bag. Plus a note ready "Stop being a crispy lying nigger bitch". :| I'm not even black...(no offense meant at all, just pointing it out). So today I am filing a report with the police b/c I'm really terrified of this chick...and she needs to stop doing this to people(she use to tell me stories when we were friends about her 'n others harassing some people). I'm 18 & she's 20...best friend since my freshmen year. Can we tell who's grown up and who hasn't??

I know this is nothing like what happened to you, but I figured it dealt with harassment & needed to vent a lil. I really hate some people...and I know that all I'll be able to do is make a report about it, not file anything....I hate the justice system.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I know that it was a scary situation. I've had several (I have had my top pulled down, why? he must have been looking for them, I was flat chested at the time; I've had my butt grabbed many times and a couple of times total strangers have followed me and asked me to get in their car) and after speaking with others I have discovered that these things happen to a lot of people, but that doesn’t make the experience any less traumatic.

Yes, it's great to have someone walk with you, but that’s not always possible. When you walk around be alert and aware of your surroundings. Are they the same men? Take a mental picture of them, or if you have a camera, snap a photo of them. If you see people that make you feel uncomfortable cross the street. Don’t be afraid to scream and make a scene, bringing that type of attention many times scares them off. When I am walking in an area that makes me feel a little uneasy, I walk down the street with my phone in my hand, the way I see it, If I don’t get a chance to make a call, I’m hitting you with it.

Luckily for me, I’m older now, so these things rarely happen. The last time was two years ago when a man stuck his finger right between my bum (yes, I'm trying to clean it up a little) when I was coming out of the train station, I turned around and punched him in the face & cursed at him, I knocked his glasses right off his face, his facial expression was priceless, he ran away not saying a word to me). Even though I stood up to him, I cried afterward, I was embarrassed and felt dirty (that S.O.B. gave me a wedgy!). That’s actually one of the good things about getting older, the perverts start to leave you alone.

And yes, call the police! Yes, let the campus cops know what you have experienced, make them aware that these Perverts have to be stopped.

Please take care of yourself.



Well-known member
i'm sorry you have to go through this! I was in a simliar sitition..well many times. Just always try to walk with someone and get some mace and have ur cell always handy!


Well-known member
I called the cops and waited for 2 hrs and still no one came by to take my report yesterday. I was PISSED! I had to cancel the call b/c I had somewhere to be & had ot leave. When i called back the lady acted like I was stupid for cancelling the call so I kept stressing to her that I've already waited 2 hrs. The cops suck...all they'd be able to do is take a report anyways & I can't charge her with anything. I took criminal Justice in HS & had a big passion for it...but after seeing how cops work really(such as when our neighbor was going through divorce & there was nothing but voilence next door) I have come to hate cops & the justice system...also b/c the ex-husband & brat ass step-kids(he was a drunk & was cheating on her) got the house. I'm sorry I sound so angry
Today is a bad morning.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jasper17
Maybe I'm being overly cautious but I would call the police. They may not actually mean any harm but who knows if they are or aren't abductors or worse? We read about too many people who go out for a walk or to the corner store for a gallon of milk and never return home - it's not worth taking that risk, especially if you don't know what they're capable of. On the most basic level, they shouldn't be behaving that way and maybe if they get a talking to from or picked up by the cops, they might stop. If you see them again I'd duck in to the nearest safe place and call the cops immediately.

Hell ya call the police... doesn't that seem odd.. there were people waiting there. How many other people have went though this.. ( or they didn't notice ) sheesh that makes me ill people would do crap like that. Ya totally report it!!!


Well-known member
omg that sounds scary, i woulda been scared too! i always carry pepper spray w/ me so if i feel the need to use it i would! lol. but thats just rude that they would say that. thats why i normally dont walk by myself, next time i'd have a security guard walk me my car. be careful out there!


Well-known member
If you don't get any results, write a letter to the school newspaper, and if you can, talk to people who are in charge of women's studies. I'm sure they will put pressure on the school to keep people safe.


yeah... happens all the time. just flip them off, thats what i do. but then again, that might not be the right thing. Just ignore, let me guess, were they mexican construction workers? lmao


Well-known member
i feel for you...I have comments being made all day everyday about my body, and it bugs me so much. Guys can be really gross sometimes...they don't know that there's a line you cannot cross.
The guy taking a picture of your chest...I'm sorry that is just way out of line. You may have been able to go to the police station, tell them what he did, what he looks like, and that you feel threatened and see if maybe they can keep a lookout for him (he is probably doing it to other women, and hopefully if they keep an eye out on him, they will be able to catch him someday)

About the other guys...sigh. I really don't know. it seems like if your an adult and they're adults, there is nothing you can do. People can say all kinds of disrespectful, disgusting remarks, and you can't necessarily do too much to stop them. I would just advise you to try to always walk with someone and maybe look for some muscular guys to be your friend and walk with you (lol)

It is a very scary situation to deal with...being alone when you feel threatened is horrible. I don't know if flipping them off or cursing them out would be the best thing to do...you never know what these guys are capable of (esp. if someone has the audacity to take a picture of your chest...he could rape you) and giving them attitude seems like it would egg them on to talk about you even more. I get hit on and stared at and whistled at ALL THE TIME by construction workers, guys in their cars, etc. It is the most degrading feeling...you feel like you've done something wrong, even though you haven't. Then if you tell other people, they may think that it is your fault, too. Like you attracted the men with your clothes/makeup/etc.

Good luck with this situation...I'm trying to figure out a good way to deal with it myself