purplish/bluish pink blush help?


Well-known member

I'm searching for a matte (or at most a bit satiny - does sheertone qualify for that?), blue toned pink blush (so more a mauve/lilac than pink; no hints of peach or brown) for super-pale skin.

Judging from gallery-pics, I thought maybe coygirl, breath of plum, dame (but it looks like it has glitter, would be a no-no?) or well dressed could qualify? Please, if you have seen these irl or even tried on pale skin, can you give me some recs?

TIA! Vedra


Well-known member
If you ever find "Orchid Sheen&Roseland" shimmer blush which was released with Doubles collection last year, it's got blue-pink/purple tone in it. This blush pretty much suits your discription.
"Shimmersweet" is VERY light pink with a hint of purple. It's a sheertone shimmer finish, but feels/looks almost matte.


Well-known member
Pink Swoon is a really lovely cool toned pink shade that looks great on very pale skin. I use it a lot. It doesn't really have a purple tone to it though. Breath of Plum would look nice as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Classic Beauty
Also try Benefit Dandelion

It's a pretty shade but you can find a near perfect match for cheaper at MAC with Pink Swoon or Cute.


Well-known member
I think you might like Coygirl. I don't have Dame but that might also be a consideration... I am fair and always am reaching for coygirl. HTH


Well-known member
Thank you ladies!
I can't get to a counter often and mostly have to rely on online-material, so I really appreciate your help.