Question.. can you help me with this?

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Well-known member
I've been here for maybe a month or so.. and I was wondering if there is a forum or if you can start a thread in these site were you can sell your make up stuff??? is it allowed to do that here or no? I just want to do things right..

I would like to sell my 252 SE MAC 2008 holiday eye shader brush. I used it a few times and it is just too big for my eyes.. it's not being used.. and it is in excellent condition..

if this is not allowed to be talked here.. sorry but I did not know.. if it's ok well let me know...


Well-known member
There is what is called the "Clearance Bin". It's where you sell your makeup on this site. I can't recall, but I don't think you can access it until you've made a certain number of posts or until you've been a member for so many days. But yes, it is allowed and there is a forum at the bottom of the forums page for it. Feel free to pm with any questions! Hope you're enjoying it here!
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