Random rock climbing pictures


Well-known member
I've got a new path on a wall that's kicking my ASS.

^^The last pic is the path that's kicking my ass. It's pretty difficult, and tonight I finally beat it. I didn't beat it the way I wanted to, or the way I WANT to, but I beat it.

As you can see husband had to show me up on a couple of spots, and he's not the greatest photographer in the world. That's okay, Ilove him anyway.


Well-known member
Is it a rule to dress up like a commando?

Shit like I need that as a rule, I'd do it anyway... Looks fun, I want to try.


Well-known member
hahjahha I love my bdu shorts.
He loves his pants. I hate climbing in p ants unless it's my yoga pants, and I didn't feel like wearing them tonight.

It's a blast.


Well-known member
man you would have loved rock gym in california you could climb on top of the celine and you could also free climb since the floors were pieces of chopped up rubber

fun stuff you look really good at it

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tyester
Is it a rule to dress up like a commando?

Shit like I need that as a rule, I'd do it anyway... Looks fun, I want to try.

damn g,never climbed at a gym before? we'll have to go to the austin rock climbing gym. it's fun as shit ...plus,it's a great workout.


Well-known member
You can climb the ceiling in this joint but it requires special permits and testing (they wanna make sure you're not going to kill yourself...). The floor is the chewed up rubber so you can climb to an extent.

I like the upstairs but have never given it a chance as far as bouldering etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Professor Fate
damn g,never climbed at a gym before? we'll have to go to the austin rock climbing gym. it's fun as shit ...plus,it's a great workout.

Do you see me going to any gyms? The only thing I climb is the house, which is here.

I'm part ninja so I'm sure climbing will be second nature.


Well-known member
Sweet! I'm a climber too...what's the grade on the route you're on? Did you do the climb with the roof work? I haven't been on "real rock" since I was 3 months preggo, but I dabble some at the climbing gym

Cheers fellow climber


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MarniMac
Sweet! I'm a climber too...what's the grade on the route you're on? Did you do the climb with the ceiling? I haven't been on "real rock" since I was 3 months preggo, but I dabble some at the climbing gym

Cheers fellow climber

I want to say that the reverse is 5.9...but I c ould be wrong. I really don't pay attention.
The wall that's kicking my ass is below. I got all squiffy with my little circles.

The red is the path I'm working on. The green is the path I took today.
I am not happy with having taken this path, however, FOR NOW I'll accept it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I want to say that the reverse is 5.9...but I c ould be wrong. I really don't pay attention.
The wall that's kicking my ass is below. I got all squiffy with my little circles.

The red is the path I'm working on. The green is the path I took today.
I am not happy with having taken this path, however, FOR NOW I'll accept it.

I'd be proud if I were you! Those holds are totally thin on the top of the overhang. I need some big jugs in order to pull on that shit (am I allowed to say that? lol).
Go rub some tiger balm on your sore hands, relax in a hot bath and have yourself a beer...that always makes me feel better after a wall kicks my butt lol.


Well-known member
Good hot shower does me well

There are good holds but some of them are fucking hard to grab.


Well-known member
Holy shit Jamie now thats hard core... hahahaha i can see myself now.. i would fall and hit my arss on the ground... lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
no you wouldn't

that's why you have ropes goose

I'd STILL fall on my ass. Probably my head