sad realization


Well-known member
i finally sat down and took stock of all the MAC makeup that i have. i shamelessly stole an excel spreadsheet from electrostars and put it all in. it's probably chump change compared to those of you who have been buying MAC for years, but i just hit the $3k mark. bear in mind that i've only really started on this MAC trip around the time Heatherette came out.

as it stands, i've probably got more makeup than 95% of the women i know and that's a sad sad thing.

Not sad at all. I refuse to add it up though! LOL. My mom once asked me how much I spend on make up and I was like "Idk hundreds" She looked like she had an accident LMAO!


Well-known member
Lol it's the same way with me! Although I dont think I have hit $3K yet but I do think I have much more makeup than most 18 year olds or teens do. But I like to think of it this way, theres far worse things out there I could be spending my savings on than makeup! It's my hobby, maybe one of my only


Well-known member
yea, I shudder to think how much my collection costs....but I REALLY do have to take stock of all I have.

Its bad b/c I go "wow thats pretty" and am tempted to buy it, but realize I already have it.


Well-known member
Gigglegirl, exactly! "Wow thats so pretty" is a hypnotising formula making me buy more and more make-up. I seriously plan on control my splurging this year (at least I try!)


Well-known member
why is it sad?! everyone buys stuff...some people buy shoes or bags or collect things. its not like you went into mac and spent 3k in one go (as nice as that would be)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbey_08
why is it sad?! everyone buys stuff...some people buy shoes or bags or collect things. its not like you went into mac and spent 3k in one go (as nice as that would be)

Yep! You enjoy something, so it's nothing bad! Everyone has things they enjoy and spend money on, makeup is no worse than a lot of things!

I'm into cars, and I use to get teased for spending money on my car... by the same people who would brag about dropping $500 at the bar the night before on alcohol. Sorry that I spent $1000 on car parts, but at least my car is there the next morning, not pissed out/thrown up in the toilet
That's how I look at it.


Well-known member
Im too scared to add mine up,. The only thing that matters to me is that I use it all and if I dont, I sell it.


Well-known member
the sad part (at least to me) is the sheer volume, I have so many eyeshadows, variations on colours THAT I DON'T USE. I get sick thinking of the money I've poured into it, but don't use half the products.

Collecting, getting enjoyment out of the hobby, etc is fine. I have other enjoyments like jewelry making, beading, scrapbooking. Again, I think its not a good thing if I continue to buy a lot of items that just sit there.


Well-known member
Im scared to add mines up after 7 years of collecting i dont even want to think about it. Already when i look at my mac brushes and realize how much i spent on each of them i feel queezey [But i know that my brushes have lasted me years] I have almost 90 pigments.. times that by $19.. yeah.. thats already $1,800 alone T_T I feel sad D:


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure I've spent over $1000 just this month on purchases... Which at first thought it makes me puke in my mouth that I've spent that much in a month. Then I remind myself that it is my love and passion. It is my only "hobby" or "collection" and it makes me so damn happy. I'm worth it, I work hard to take care of my family and make sure we love comfortably, so it is my reward.


Well-known member
I refuse to add mine up too. I've been collecting off and on for years but really got into it over the last year. My collection has grown 10 fold but now I feel like I can slow down and start enjoying everything.
I have pigments and eyeshadows that have literally been never touched. This year I have promised myself to chill out with all the crazy buying, NO BACKUPS, and buy pieces that I really really want and WILL use not just because it looks nice in the pan (but in reality will not work on me).

I'm in my late 20's now and realizing that those 3g's that I would use on my make up could be put towards a house payment.


Well-known member
I only started being heavy into MAC last year maybe in March/April.....and I will not add it up because I know the cost will be ridiculous....Because I did not cut back on anything else for this, clothes etc...still bought all that like crazy too...But in 2009 I will buy responsibly....Because I want to be able to use all the makeup I buy and not just look and admire it.
One person can only wear so much makeup before most of it is goes bad...especially with lipsticks and glosses...I will continue with the shadows, blushes etc...But I have vowed to buy as few lip products as possible.


Well-known member
I don't pay full price if I can help it so although I have tons of the stuff, I know that I've saved a shitload of money too.

Saying that though, I'll be cutting down this year. I only have one face and can only fit so many products onto it at any one time so will really try and buy more sensibly and not "BUY BUY BUY" as I have been doing, especially over the past 6 mths or so.

I have some serious shit to save for this year..far more important than any LE e/s to be honest!


Well-known member
haha, reading your posts makes me feel warm and fuzzy. i guess i didn't clarify. i'm a guy and my makeup collection is HUGE. i go walking around and i see all these women who don't know how to use makeup properly and i just think to myself, "girl, go watch some makeup videos on youtube or something!"


Well-known member
It's crazy how much we spend on makeup, I think in just 2008 alone I spent $4000, but this was the first year that I've bought as much as I did, so my 5 year collection is maybe $6000 worth. But like everyone else here says, this is my main hobby that I spend $$ on, so I don't feel too bad. I don't drink anymore, so all the $$ I used to spend I spend it on makeup!


Well-known member
Lol this is making me feel how "inadequate" and small my collection is compared to everyone elses on here. I started getting MAC prob 3 years ago but didn't really get into collection until 2008. I think probably at the most I only have 1k worth of MAC. But my dads always bitching that I probably have enough makeup to start a makeup store, wait til he hears how much makeup every has on here lol!


Well-known member
my dama edna stuff came through yesterday and my mum was like "why do u NEED to buy THIS!? you only have ONE face and enough to cover it with for the rest of your life!!!!!!"

its too pretty not to buy!!!!!!! lol


Well-known member
I know what you mean! I have 2 stuffed traincases.... sigh...but I'm going to Macy's anyways today lol

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