Search feature in Gallery


Well-known member
Can't do it...


Well-known member
It's been like that for... A year? Also the forum's search thingy doesn't work anymore [but when you go to certain forum, like the FOTD forum and use the search function there, it works, but the one at the top of the page doesn't].


Well-known member
Search tool

The search tool in the gallery section does not seem to work, is it possible to fix it? Thanks.


Well-known member
I've sent a message regarding this issue to the forum SysAdmin for review. Thanks ladies for bringing it to our attn.


Well-known member
Yayy I can't wait until it's fixed. What really bugged me about it is that if I wanted a swatch of a product, and I knoowww there's bound to be one swatch somewhere in the gallery, but I can't find it and it would take too much time to go through pages and pages of images hoping that you'll bump into what you're looking for.