Sephora. Facial Piercings Allowed On Employees?


New member
I just got called for a group interview tomorrow, but it just dawned on me that they may not allow facial piercings. (I forget I have it sometimes, I have my labret pierced, it's so teeny) I've read mixed answers on the internet so I wasn't sure and I've been trying to take mine out for the past few hours just to be on the safe side, but I can't seem to get it out :-/ and my tattoos are easily coverable.

If anyone knows I'd greatly appreciate it! Thank you! xoxo


Well-known member
I have no idea if there's a company rule. A new girl started today in our store and she has a noticeable nose ring/hoop. I'd always err on the side of conservative and ask about it only after a job offer. (Unless there's no way you'd remove it just to work there. Then ask up front.) If you can't get it out and it's teeny like you said I have a feeling it will be okay.