Skinny Jeans--Yay or nay?


Well-known member
I used to hate them until I found I needed them for my boots...then I found out they looked amazing with some of my killer heels and Ive loved them ever since.


The best thing the fashion industry could invent.
I thank god for making the fashion designers thinking of skinny jeans again since they're letting my legs look like - hell - thin and I can't imagine myself wearing any other type of jean anymore!


Well-known member
i like them i think they look good on anyone apart from morbidly obese people, i think you just need to wear them correctly with the right things. like they look fab with stillettos


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I don't think it looks good on any type of body
IMO, chubby girls should not wear these without hight heels and should avoid wearing it with running shoes. It makes the leg shorter, I don't think its cute...


Active member
Luv them! I love how you can wear them with a tunic or even a tee shirt. I love cuffing the bottoms when I wear heels. You can make them look super sexy or dress them down. So for me they are a YAY!!!



Well-known member
Only certain girl's can pull them off. Skinny Jeans and a pair of pumps, not bad. I dont really care if it is all the hype right now, ive liked them before and im still kinda diggin them.


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I lost a lot of weight and have finally got down to where I want to be my whole life - I stand at 5'10 - my weight is teetering right at the edge of 140/and high 130s. I've never been happier with how I look. My thighs are way thinner now, I'm down to 8's and 6's at some stores, and sized shirts are (holy crapness!) 4's at some stores.

I thought I was FINALLY ready to take the plunge and try on some skinny jeans at Express. NOPE. As soon as I tried them I realized that no matter how much weight I lost I'm never going to change the genetic trait that has been passed from my grandmother, to my mom, to me, and god knows how many generations back it goes... THOSE HIPS!

I'm sure they'll look sexy in the first ever bikini next summer but they're just not going to work in the skinnies for me.... It gave me a very unflattering tapered shape... I'm trying to think of a good way to describe it but the precise way to portray it is hard to come up with... Let me conjure up this image for you... With my long legs in those skinny jeans, it was a lot like a very lonngggggg isosceles triangle. It doesn't help that I have absolutely no ass. It was a major disappointment for me.
I have no doubt that girls with a fantastic butt can totally work em!


Well-known member
I love skinny jeans and wear them all the time. I'm thin so this type of jeans looks best on me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amyzon
I lost a lot of weight and have finally got down to where I want to be my whole life - I stand at 5'10 - my weight is teetering right at the edge of 140/and high 130s. I've never been happier with how I look. My thighs are way thinner now, I'm down to 8's and 6's at some stores, and sized shirts are (holy crapness!) 4's at some stores.

I thought I was FINALLY ready to take the plunge and try on some skinny jeans at Express. NOPE. As soon as I tried them I realized that no matter how much weight I lost I'm never going to change the genetic trait that has been passed from my grandmother, to my mom, to me, and god knows how many generations back it goes... THOSE HIPS!

I'm sure they'll look sexy in the first ever bikini next summer but they're just not going to work in the skinnies for me.... It gave me a very unflattering tapered shape... I'm trying to think of a good way to describe it but the precise way to portray it is hard to come up with... Let me conjure up this image for you... With my long legs in those skinny jeans, it was a lot like a very lonngggggg isosceles triangle. It doesn't help that I have absolutely no ass. It was a major disappointment for me.
I have no doubt that girls with a fantastic butt can totally work em!

I am there with you! I am size 2-4, but I do weight training and my legs just don't circulate in those skinnys! I prefer bootleg cuts!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
I am there with you! I am size 2-4, but I do weight training and my legs just don't circulate in those skinnys! I prefer bootleg cuts!

Hells yeah!! A nice straight leg, really tailored, snug up top, not so much on the bottom boot cut that really proportions everything.


Well-known member
I LOVE skinny jeans.....& i am not thin at all!! I have curves and i like the fact that they make my curves show even more!! Thats just me!!!! I only like shopping for skinny jeans!!!!!


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I CANT stand them.On guys, girls, skinny, fat, average. I think they look silly on everyone.


Well-known member
I've NEVER EVER EVER been able to find a well-fitting pair of jeans that weren't skinny. I've been wearing skinny jeans since I was 13, since people made fun of me for wearing the "old lady style" of jeans.

I used to sew other jeans to make them skinny. Things became so much easier when they came on the market.

I honestly can say that I think bell-bottom and flare jeans look ridiculous on people as well. It's all opinion :]


I don't like them on guys. I'm jealous of girls who can pull them off
I have a pair that I wear with boots, but even though I'm not overweight at all I have a big butt and thigh and I'm short. So...I feel like an ice cream cone. LOL.