Some More Relationship Drama (Looong, I'm sorry)


Well-known member
I'll try to make this as short as possible. EDIT: Its really long guys I hope you don't mind. (You can just skim)

You all know about my breakup with my boyfriend of 2 years. Well, he broke up with me in February. By March I had had it with the lies, I was just done. You all know that I had gotten in contact with a guy from my past (from about 2 1/2 yrs and my boyfriend had been together for about 3 months, and I kissed the guy frm my past while we were together. my bf forgave me, we moved on) Well after my bf just broke up with me, I got in contact with this guy again. We hung out a couple times, I actually hung out with a few guys during our separation. I didn't feel bad or guilty about it, because HE broke up with me, and once he realized that i wasn't at home crying over him, he kinda got suspicious I think.

Anywho, fast forward. After being broken up for about a month and a half, I stopped being mean to him. (When he called I was a straight up bitch. Didn't answer his questions about who i was with, where I was, etc) Well i started warming up to him, and I felt like he was really making an effort to show me that he only wanted me and he was willing to do anything to get me back. So we started talking again, but didn't make the commitment to be in a relationship yet.....

So now, we've been hanging out more. But things feel different. He works out everyday, is extremely strict on his diet, he's lost about 60 pounds since February. He's doing and looking great. I have decided that if we are going to try to make this work, I can accept that he wants to be a singer, and I can support him in that (which I have been doing great at btw). He is just really positive and he's always focused and concentrating on his music and his workout. So we only see eachother on the weekends, since we both work. When he comes over I feel like I get no attention. things aren't how they used to be. He'll hug and kiss me, but not for long. He's cocky, he isn't too affectionate anymore, he works out on our only day that we have together. Like theres no such thing as us just spending the day together without him being focused on something else. He thinks nothings changed!

I feel like...everythings so different. I want more affection. but he considers that "us being up eachothers ass". Its funny because he was up my ASS when we were broken up, telling me how much he missed me, that he made the biggest mistake of his life, he would die if I wasn't in his life. But now that I'm back in the picture, he's acting like its nothing.

I'm so confused. I really really love him and I do want to be with him, but I am tired of being disrespected. I'm tired of feeling like...alone. I really think he loves me but at this point I don't even know what to think. If I say lets just have time to be separated and alone and think things through, well he has nothing to think through. But I do: like, am i sure this is what I want? If he can't give me what I need, why am i staying here? Because I love him. But he won't give me time. But its like if i leave him, he won't even be phased by it, since he is so focused on his music. We are still making plans for our future but its like.....I don't want our relationship to be like this. If anything the separation was supposed to make us stronger, not worse.

He found out about me talking to the guy from my past. Needless to say he flipped out (this guy has basically been the root of all of our problems in our relationship, on my side anyways). He told me i should change my number and delete my myspace. I haven't done either one. He told me I didn't have to delete my myspace, but I definetly had to change my number. Its been a week and a half and I havent done it. I don't blame him for asking me to do it. He changed his number without me asking him to (girls kept calling him, that was part of the problem). So tonight we argued because I still haven't changed my #. He was yelling because I bought clothes online and didn't tell him about it (who CARES?
) and because I didn't have enough money left in my account to change my number. Then he tells me I do nothing but sit at the computer all day and watch the Tyra show. Like wow, ouch. I have 2 days off, I never just sit around except for when I'm off. Nothing I do, or say, or watch, or eat is right. EVER!! I'm too negative, I don't eat healthy things, how am I supposed to lose weight if I don't eat right (I want to lose weight, he doesn't want me to). Me being on the computer is a problem. He feels like i'm hiding something if I don't tell him that i bought something big online. I'll delete my myspace I guess, my relationship with him is more important than that. i don't want to let him control me (but i CAN understand his side about my number and about myspace....i understand that) I just can't get through to him. I try to talk about how I feel, we can't do it without arguing. He feels like everythings the same, and he hasn't changed. But I feel totally opposite....



Well-known member
So to condense it down - nothings really changed and you enjoy being unhappy.
Do you really believe you know what Love is if you call this Love? You've got a good head on your shoulders, and don't need this in your life. Stop trying to fill the hole in yourself with men.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
So to condense it down - nothings really changed and you enjoy being unhappy.
Do you really believe you know what Love is if you call this Love? You've got a good head on your shoulders, and don't need this in your life. Stop trying to fill the hole in yourself with men.

...I don't know that i do have a hole in myself. I don't know...I know that I really do love this man. From the bottom of my heart. But I don't know if we can save this relationship. I know I'll be fine without a man, and I know I'll find someone if me and him don't work out....but since I do love him, I want to make it work before I just give up.


Well-known member
You might love someone, but you can't MAKE or WISH them into being the person your meant to spend the rest of your life with.

Don't "give up" on him if you don't want to, but you can't complain about things you can't change if you decide to stay. Do you or him want you to spend the rest of your life nagging him into who you want him to be?


Well-known member
Look I'll butt out, but if someone had cared enough about me and doled out the same mature and practical advice above I wouldn't have wasted years of my life. If you like to read, and your BF won't get mad, PM me your address and I'll send you something that helped me.


Well-known member
Move. On.

I mean that in the nicest manner possible, I really do. The thing to remember is that it should never be difficult or hard to be with someone.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Simply put, sometimes love isn't enough. You can love someone for whatever reasons, but the relationship just isn't there or isn't what it should be.

If you're unhappy already, imagine what'll be like a year from now


Well-known member
Totally agree just gotta move on. You always want to be moving forward, and it seems like you are moving backwards. Keep focusing on yourself and what makes you happy. Don't worry about feeling/being alone. Love the end of the day, that's who you'll always be stuck with


Well-known member
Until the both of you can work out the differences you have, you can scream "LOVE" until you lose your voice. It won't change a damn thing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
...I don't know that i do have a hole in myself. I don't know...I know that I really do love this man. From the bottom of my heart. But I don't know if we can save this relationship. I know I'll be fine without a man, and I know I'll find someone if me and him don't work out....but since I do love him, I want to make it work before I just give up.

Do you love him, or do you love who you wish he was/know he could be? Because there is a huge difference. Before I broke up with my boyfriend now, I loved him for who I knew he could be and I stayed with him waiting for that guy to show up. When it became too painful I broke up with him, and we were apart for six months. Now he is that guy I wished he was, and that makes so much of a difference. Realize that a relationship working doesn't really have a lot to do with how much you love each other, but how you treat each other as a result of that love. I'm sending you tons of hugs.


Well-known member
Ok like the others have said. Walk away.

Love may be an important thing but you have to actually like the person you're with too. I loved my ex but I didn't like him as a person so I ended up leaving him and while it was hard, it was the best thing I've ever done.

I think it's time to move on rather than flogging the dead horse.

Girl about town

Well-known member
Someone who loves you truly wouldn't nag you and want to change you all the time! He doesn't want to be 'up your ass' all the time but expects you to tell him eveything you buy and delete your my space and get a new phone number on his say so.I have loved people that treated me like shit and made me very unhappy, its not always enough unfortunately. I don't think you sound very compatible long term to be honest sorry!!! Things that annoy you about people early in a relationship become 1000 ties more annoying when you live with them/marry them.


Well-known member
Coming from a person who has successfully gotten back with an ex and is now living with him, it's possible that it can work out. BUT (this is an enormous BUT) I really don't think 2.5 months is near enough time for either of you to have sorted your personal issues out. My bf and I had been 'trying' for about a year to work our problems out but we could not find common ground and it drove us mad. We loved each other, but we clearly had personal issues and had a huge load of maturing to do as well. We could not do this together...we only brought each other down and brought out negative sides of one another. We broke up for over a year and did not speak for about 8 months. During this time, we rehabilitated ourselves and learned to be healthy individuals. When we started talking again, it was like the two best versions of ourselves had started a new relationship.

If he's already trippin over the same problems, I'd see that as a huge red flag. In the past you weren't able to 'change' each other and you're definitely not going to fix each other's problems by remaining in a failing relationship. I am also a firm believer in the thought that just because you may love someone, doesn't mean that you're meant to be together...perhaps, at least, not at this point in time.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you find happiness.


Well-known member
I seriously have to ask, Do you actually like him? Because I think you should leave Love out of the mix for the moment and really address that.


Well-known member
girl, this sounds much worse than when you guys were together before the separation. The controlling thing--I would kick him to the curb for just that. but then also not giving you attention for the little bit of time you guys are together during the week? I'm sorry but I don't think this sounds like a good situation for you. Seriously you owe it to yourself to not "settle" for someone that can barely give you the time of day. We each have our outlets to "destress"--for him, he's all about the music, for you it may be some online surfing/a bit of shopping.

From your post, I think you're realizing this isn't healthy for you. Don't worry about being alone and whatnot, I think its better to live your life how you want without someone stifling it then settling for don't deserve this!

Best of luck girl!