Strange Hybrid/Slimshimes/Showflower Haul


Well-known member
i went on friday to get my strange hybrid/slimshines/showflower haul. i left with the following:

strange hybrid...
moonflower e/s (a beautiful blue with excellent color payoff; i have a feeling this will become my most worn blue)
fertile e/s (perfect outer v shade, i love me some purples!!)
floral fantasy e/s (debated over this one, but decided to get it because i don't think i have anything quite like it &it is quite pretty)
fleurry blush (i'm not a big frost blush fan, but this was too pretty to pass up. plus the frost isn't SUPER frosty, gave just enough glow)
prize petal l/g (i didn't plan on getting this, but i fell in love with it. a must have from this collection IMO)

*i think i am going to go back for rose blanc e/s & strange hybrid l/s but i am still debating.

gaily (debated between this one & funshine; ended up with gaily. wore with gingerroot cremestick liner & fulfilled plushglass on saturday night &i loved it. wore alone on sunday &loved it just as much. i looove the texture, soft & shiny, but not sticky! i will definitely be going back for a few other shades.)

nordies exclusive...
showflower quad (i had to get it for prize bloom & rare specimen. i haven't been collecting for very long so i didn't have any other colors quite like them. i fell in LOVE with prize bloom - the color payoff is excellent &the shade is perfect for wearing alone or with other purples/plums. rare specimen is also a really nice brownish shade. faintly fleur is a very very soft pink highlight, but similar to some of the perm colors. leaflette is crap IMO - the color payoff is pretty much non-existant.)

other junk...
studio fix compact in c3 (my BRAND NEW one broke last weekend)
brush cleanser


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
Roseblanc is gorgeous. I am buying a backup!

I was thinking the same thing