Studio Fix foundation getting everywhere


Well-known member
I use Studio Fix powder foundation and i LOVE it. Mostly because it's such a practical compact that I can take with me and touch up during the day. And it's by far the best compact powder foundation I have ever tried, and I have tried many!

But I am having a problem with it. It rubs of on everything that touches my face. Especially when I am talking on my cellphone (iPhone, shich means it's a large glass plate toucing the cheek) I get foundation everywhere on my phone and it comes off my face. It's really anoying, I spend a lot af the day on the phone. It also gets on the collar of my jacket.

Do all foundations do that or is it a special problem with compacts/Studio fix?

Is there anything I can do to make the Studio Fix adhere better to my skin?

And would it work to maybe put on a different MAC foundation in the same shade at home, and then just do touch ups with the studio fix powder foundation during the day or would that make a mess?

If so, which Mac foundation without sunscreen can you recommend for medium coverage and combination skin?


Well-known member
I find that rub off is the case with all powders for me. I set my powders with Fix + to help keep them from doing that for at least a couple of hours. HTH!


Well-known member
thats a very common problem but a tough one nonetheless... i would s uggest using a good primer...i use illamasqua satin finish primer this is the primer of all primers! ive tried many including the infamous smashbox photofinish which did nothing...the satin primer not only makes my skin glow but lets just say what primer potion if for eyeshadow illmasaqua is for foundation! anyway enuff about the primer (cant u tell i love it! lol)

also i forget to mention 2 moisturise your face before anything, u need 2 have ur face ready after all ur face is a canvas so it needs 2 be well moisturised even if u hv oily skin.

the application in my opinion is also the second most important thing, find one that works for you. Now this is what i think sets in my foundation pretty well - Mac Blot powder, i get medium but they have no pigmentation, theyre pretty much traslucent so it doesnt change the colour off my foundation. i think this really helps although it wont stop makeup transfer completely.

Mac face and body foundation is a no transfer foundation so once you apply it, it aint going no where! i find it 2 watery for me, however, when u apply powder over it the powder 2 transfer, so ultimately its just something that will happen no matter what! i stick to select spf15 foundation by mac(nc40) but im experimenting with studio fix (eww hate the smell)

this is what works for you, it may not work for u but i hope u find something that works soon!

any enuff off my rambling! let me know how u get on!


Well-known member
Studio Fix is awful for that. I don't find all powders to do this, just some. I wear mineral foundation, and I don't have any problems with it. Try a primer though! It will definitely help it to last. I loved the coverage of Studio Fix, but the transferring + breakouts made me switch to something else!


Well-known member
this is exactly why i quit using my studio fix powder. i keep it in my purse in case of makeup emergencies, but stand alone i won't use it because it's so messy. i've found benefit playsticks are like that, too, even though they're a cream finish.

i used to use mac prep + prime skin under my studio fix and it STILL was messy!