The Big Chop - product recs for WOC with natural


Well-known member
Ladies, I did the BIG Chop on Wednesday. My hair was just a little longer than my shoulders and I have never had my hair this short before. I LOVE it. 30 seconds and I am done with my hair. So, any product recommedations from WOC with natural hair. I am so excited about this journey, and well, I am a product junkie so am excited to buy a lot of new products!


Well-known member
Hi and congratulations on the BC!!! How exciting. There are so many products it's hard to know where to begin. Generally speaking you need an everyday conditioner, leave-in, and a spritz/spray of some kind that could also be a liquid leave-in. Are you primarily interested in natural products (no sulfates, silcones, petroleum, mineral oil, parabens, etc.) or will anything do?

When I BC'd (I had maybe 1 inch of hair at the time) my routine was to co-wash (wash with conditioner) daily and apply a leave-in. I grew to love the Paul Mitchell Instant Moisture Conditioner (it really helped define my texture) and the Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner (it's like $3.75 or something crazy cheap like that!). I still use the Nourish Spa, it is amazing!
You could also co-wash with something cheap like Suave or VO5 which a lot of people do, but I don't like products with silicones.

Right now I am liking The Jane Carter Solution products. I just got my hair done yesterday (cut and twisted) and the stylist used her products and I like them a lot. Carol's Daughter is a starter brand for a lot of people. I'd say there are probably better products out there, but her product are readily available at most Sephoras so you don't have to wait for shipping and you can return them.

If you haven't already been there please go to It's the best resource for women (and men) with natural hair. There is a Commercial and Homemade Products forum so you'll get lots of ideas on things to try. There are lots of natural brands out there like Oyin Handmade, Asha, Anita Grant, Carol's Daughter, Karen's Body Beautiful, etc. And there are a lot of drugstore and beauty supply store product that really work for our texture of hair, and you'll find good leads on Nappturality, that way you don't have to waste too much money on trying every and anything, although it is a trial and error process so be prepared to experiment.

Again, congratulations!

Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions.


Well-known member
Thanks so much Twinkle. I bought the Paul Mitchell conditioner the other day, and really like it. I wish I could try products from Trader Joe's,but they don't have any in Texas. And, I've tried Carol's Daughter before and really don't like it. I found that the products were too heavy. Thanks again for the product recommendations.