The Brightside of the Moon (PIC HEAVY)


Well-known member
Hello again ladies. So it is pouring out my way. Which is great....i get to stay in and post some stuff i havent in forever! Lots of different pics. I hope you all enjoy..sorry if it takes a long while to load!

Here are a few different looks and the colors i used on my eyes. Please excuse the liner....i have been getting a bit lazy about making it super clean. :shrug: I happens.

(if you got questions about anything else just ask and i will let you know to the best of my recollection)

Beiging Shadestick
Charteuse Pigment
Acid Orange Pigment
Femme Noir e/s
Zoom Black Mascara



My boyfriend took this pic for a school project.....

My rendition of the MOONBATHE look:

I followed the colors from the look on the website. We have to rock the looks with the launch.

The only color i tweaked was the brow highlight. I used RoseBlanc from Strange Hybrid.




And for kicks some more bodypaint.
The model is cool with me posting it. My bf is working on a special project and needed me to paint a mermaid. So here is what I did. I need to work some more on detail but I am super happy with the results.


Select cover(as a base)
Goldmine e/s
Coppering e/s
Antiqued e/s
Embark e/s
Carbon e/s
And some cheapy lashes i bought from a wig store by my house.

(p.s. she is wearing one of my wigs


Thanks for viewing.........let me know what u guys think!


Well-known member
aaaahhh this is sooo pretty! thanks for posting the moonbathe look. you are awesome and sooo pretty talented


Well-known member
Wow. Love them all. The pic your BF took of you is just... well... HOT!

You're so much hotter than the model, anyway. LOL. All the colors look great! I think I especially like your first one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kileencheng
i love the lips on the first look. what lipstick color combo is that?

Its a weird combo but it worked. Evrything turns a little pinky on me. Cork lip liner, The lipstick from last years Summer Collection. Its "something" Sun. The name got kinda scratched off. It was L/E. Ill look it up. And lots of clear lipglass!