Too Faced Natural Eye Neutral Shadow Collection?


Well-known member
I like all of the colors in the set, they're of good quality and blendability. I think it's well worth it if you don't have similar colors, which might be a problem since you said that you have a good collection of neutral shadows. It's cute and really handy to have them all together in one package for you though.


Well-known member
I bought this and used it one time. I didn't exactly get a smokey eye I ended up with something that looked like muddy eye. On my NC50 skin tones the dark colors didn't not look good at all. The texture of these eye shadows is really smooth but the dark colors on my skin tone did not work for me.


Well-known member
Thanks! I think I'm giving in and buying it after Xmas. As a neutral lover and a new Too Faced fan I need it now. lol


Well-known member
i'm light skinned (medium-beige) and i found the typical neutral one to look very VERY natural, like i had nothing on. but the palette is cute and useful. as long as you can see yourself using it a lot, go for it