Topic Reply smileys?


Well-known member
I've noticed lots or reply posts that have actual animated or "cartoon" smileys in them, but I can't do it! Here's what I mean:
When Im posting a new topic/thread, it looks like
Post Icons (and i can choose a cartoon smiley but ONLY for the title)

I think there's supposed to be a smiley selection to the right, but there isn't. Also, I UNchecked the "disable smilies in text" box, but still don't have the option to put them there...
Any ideas?


New member
When you are doing a reply to a post do you click Go Advanced? It is right next to Post Quick Reply. When you click go Advanced you should see all the smiley options.


Well-known member
It doesn't show up for either a quick reply or when I Go Advanced. Sucks cuz I really wanna use 'em (they're SO cute!).


New member
It won't show up when you click on quick reply but it should be there when you click Go Advanced.

What browser are you using?
Also what about when you Edit your post. Can you see them then?


Well-known member

I tried Go Advance, and they're still not there. I use Mozilla Firefox, but I tried it in Internet Explorer and my Yahoo Browser and it still doesnt show *tear*


Well-known member
WAIT i see it! its there in my post! But I had to manuually put it in, by using the colon key and the parenthesis key. Kind of a hassle, but I guess it works for now


New member
It might be something with your comp.
I checked my IE and I use Firefox and I have no problem.

Did you check when you edit your post?

Also down at the bottom of this screen in a little box it says Posting rules...what does it show for your Smilies?


Well-known member
hm, it says smilies are ON, and when I edit my post, I still can't do it. *sigh* oh well, I guess I'll stick to
manually for a while! Hahaha


New member
I think I know what is wrong

Go to your User CP, Click on Edit Options, now scroll down to Miscellaneous Options it is the last box, See where it says Message Editor Interface you probably have it set on Basic editor, switch it to Standard Editor and click Save changes.

Then go test out a post.

Also you can change it to enhanced interface and that allows you to see what it look like as you edit or when you click Go advanced.