Totally lost, where to start? Skincare routine knowledge: lvl 0?


New member
Ok, I'll be the first to admit: I can't make up or do my hair really nice aside from a few swipes with a straightening iron. Makeup and beauty routines were never on my radar until I decided I didn't like how I appeared in photos and would like to look better for my fiance. I know the basics...well, at least I think I know the basics.

I've been battling acne all my life and I've been trying to change up my lifestyle--I see beauty guru's talk about routines for their flawless skin and I won't lie: I'm a bit jealous but grossly uneducated in the matter. I'm aware every single person's face and chemical make up is different and a lot of it is trial and error to see what works for you but I'd like to see what others have found in theirs journies.

How do you start off your day and night routines? Do you have specific products you like to use? Do you have any you avoid because it's all hype and no substance?
What are some tips and tricks you've found that works for you?


Hi there!
First of all, I'd like to say many of us can relate to this. When you see a lot of influencers in social media flaunting their skincare routine and see how gorgeous they look, you'll really find yourself wondering how in the world it's possible.
As far as your skincare routine is concerned, would you know what type of skin you have? Knowing that firsthand can do tons to make building your skincare routine easier.
After you've determined that, it would be best to start with the basics i.e. the cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. Oh, and add the sunscreen to that, too. Here's how it usually looks like:

1. Cleanse - Use mild face wash for your face. Wet with warm water to help decongest and slough off dirt and excess oil on your skin. Then apply a pea-sized amount of cleanser on your hands and rub on your skin in a gentle circular motion. Don't forget your neck, too! Rinse with cold water then gently pat dry with a towel. Do this twice a day or once at night if you have dry skin.
2. Use a toner - Toners help prepare your skin to accept all the goodies from the moisturizer, serum, oil, etc. that you'll be putting on your face afterwards. You can apply a toner with a cotton pad, cotton ball, with a spray, or just pat it gently onto your skin with clean hands.
Note: Some say this is not necessary, some say it is. It depends on your skin type and if you prefer this step, but I'll put this here in case you need reference when to use it. Use every after wash.
3. Moisturize - this is probably one of the most important steps in my opinion, regardless of your skin type. Moisturizers help replenish lost water and keeps them locked into the skin so it stays nice and soft and prevents cracking or overdrying your skin. Just a small amount will do. Use twice a day and make sure to always apply on clean face.
4. Sunscreen - Yep, even during winter. As long as the sun shines, you're bound to get exposed to UVA and UVB radiations that can damage and age your skin. Protect yourself by using at least an SPF 50. Some moisturizers already have SPF on them. In that case, you don't really need this additional step.

So there you go. I hope this helps you in the least. As far as serums, oils, and other skincare products are concerned, you're bound to add them up to your routine when you find specific areas you want to target. Masks and exfoliants are highly recommended once or twice a week to remove all the buildup that may have been left by washing your face plus it helps keep your skin feeling smooth and refreshed (plus I find it very relaxing once every few days).


Staff member
There are two different types of toners: hydrating and exfoliating.

Hydrating toners are sometimes called essences. They soften the skin and prep it for whatever comes next.

Exfoliating (or acid) toners contain alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) like glycolic acid, lactic acid, or mandelic acid (mandelic being the gentlest). Some contain both glycolic and lactic. These prep the skin by removing dead skin cells. Acid toners, to me, don't need to be used every day, since they can be pretty intense. Some companies encourage it. A couple of times a week will do.

Given you have acne, you may also want to look at products with salicylic acid, which is a beta hydroxy acid (BHA), in them. An alternative ingredient to seek out would be tea tree oil (it contains natural anti-bacterial properties).

Another thing: if you're in your thirties or older, consider adding a product with retinol in it to your routine. Retinol is Vitamin A, which has long-proven anti-aging properties. Retinol products should be used ONLY at night (after cleansing, before moisturizer; don't use an acid toner with this), and you need to start slowly. If you're not ready for that, you can look into rosehip oil or products with bakuchiol in them. Both are retinol alternatives that can be used either day or night.

I know this is a lot of info at once. Hope it's useful!