Unrequited Love


Well-known member
So, doesn't it just suck hardcore balls when you like someone who doesn't like you back? Sorry in advance for the length. Not sure how "high school" this is going to sound (keep in mind we're both 19), but here's my shitty situation:

Months ago, I would go into the video game store in the mall all the time because there was this really cute boy who worked there. Call me a stalker, but he's just freaking adorable and I never really talked to him or anything, just browsed games. Then by total chance a few weeks ago, I found his Myspace. I had been secretly searching for a while; I did a browse search that day, and on the first page happened to be one of his coworkers so I looked at his profile wondering if this boy would be in his friends. And there he was.
! I was soo stoked, you don't even know. I was giddy all day and I finally got the courage to message him. It was very general, just a hello, how's it going type thing, of course telling him I recognized him from the game store and that I "randomly" found him on one of my friend's profiles, looool. He messaged me back and he was really nice, saying he thought I looked very familiar.

Fast forward to a couple days after the first message, I go into the store and say hi for the first time. It went really well, and talking to him just felt natural which isn't the norm for me. Our relationship blossomed from there, through messages on Myspace and in-store visits. He mentioned that we should hang out sometime, so we did. In the past week I've been hanging out with him like every other day for hours into the night. He tells me I'm amazing, and that I look nice every day, he likes the way I dress, I'm really cool, etc. But then, he just keeps referring to me as his friend in very obvious ways. For instance, he says he sometimes ends up treating his girlfriends like shit and that he can be a mean guy in relationships, but then he says "You'll never see that side of me, I don't treat my friends that way." Oh man, I was crushed. He only wants to be friends with me and he made that really apparent.

Now I'm really confused about what I should do next. Do I just keep being good friends and hanging out with him constantly, without telling him that I like him? Is he just going to end up breaking my heart? I know if and when he gets a girlfriend I will be devastated. I won't know how to handle it, but I want to stay friends with him. Not only because he's a cool person, but also, I barely have any other friends to do things with. I'm afraid if I do tell him, he'll be all creeped out and not want to be friends anymore or something, which would be awful. Then again, I just want to be straight up and honest with him, because that's usually how I roll. But I'm scared and confused.

Feel free to give advice, share your own stories, or ignore. :]


Well-known member
Seems like he likes you just as a friend. He's basically told you that straight out. Plus why would you want to be with a guy who is going to treat you shitty in a relationship, or talk bad about you behind your back? If you tell him you like it, I think it's definitely going to change your friendship, or maybe end it. I'd just keep it friendly


Well-known member
Yeah, you're so right. He's a great friend but it sounds like he's an ass in relationships... Definitely going to keep it friendly. Thanks for the input. :]


Well-known member
I know it may hurt to hear this but, He has made it very clear that he only wants to be friends with you.


Well-known member
I know.
It does hurt, and it sucks, but I guess I'll just be thankful I have such a cute boy as a friend. Haha. I'll get over it in time. I seriously just need to get out and meet more people/boys, I feel really sheltered right now because I don't have a job. But hey, he might be getting me a job at the game store, I turned in my application yesterday. :]


Well-known member
I know it sucks, but he sounds like a much better friend. I'd never want to be with a guy who openly admits he's an asshole to his girlfriends


Well-known member
Very true, that is a pretty bad sign. Thanks. :]

I'm realizing I really didn't need to go into so much detail in my first post, haha I was just venting. Sorry pplz. Feels good to get off my chest though.


Well-known member
I agree with everyone else. I would avoid him because it will probably lead to heartbreak, but that's just me.


Well-known member
I agree with everyone. Now, I don´t know about ïf he really treats his gf´s like shit, he might be lying just to scared you... I´ve done that before. If you think you like him sooo much, just chill a little, stop hanging out with him little by little, don´t be so obvious, and i understand you like to make things claer, and to be honest, but sometimes is good just to be quiet, ´cause you never know how people react.
I hope that helps =)


Well-known member
My initial reaction was actually that maybe he was fishing for some info from you- had you already made it apparent you weren't in a relationship? Also, perhaps he has been an asshole in the past. I mean we all know teenage guys. I know he's 19, but getting out of HS changes people a bit. He's being honest which is a huge perk. I don't think it's a "I'm not interested in you" I think it's a "I'm taking a different approach and being a friend".

In your shoes, I would keep him as a friend and be ok with liking him 'til someone else comes around (maybe he can open up your social circle with some of his cute guy friends, heh). Yeah he may eventually have a new girlfriend, but then if you're good friends you'll find a way to be happy for him and still keep his company. Also, that's not to say he may not fall head over heels for you the more he talks to you. I would keep hanging out with him and keep flirting to keep my options open.


Well-known member
Thanks so much everyone. :] I backed off a bit and hadn't talked to him since Saturday, but texted him this afternoon after I randomly saw him in town. I'm trying to lay low, keep my cool. I don't want to be the girl who never takes a hint, you know? After all your lovely advice, I will definitely be keeping my feelings to myself. I don't want to scare off a potential good friend!
Thank you for being so positive, kaliraksha. And about his friends, haha the only friends of his I've met are his roommates. One is taken and the other is.. well, hate to be judgmental but he has some icky facial hair. Haha. Not sure about that one.
I'm a firm believer in "don't go looking for love, it will find you." So since it didn't work out with this guy, I'll just be chillin'. :]


Well-known member
NOTE: My opinion is based soley on MY interpretation of how YOU described things. ^o^

I think it sounds like you might just be that one for him that is different, the "someday" girl. Guys wouldn't openly admit they're jerks to a pretty girl unless they were exaggerating (or gay). Really dangerous jerks aren't that earnest about it. At least, they won't admit the real fault, but rather try to draw attention to a more trivial fault they have.

I think this guy hasn't decided what he wants. It's a delicate matter.


Well-known member
I'm all for the... Let's just be friend's thing. And keep your options open by not bringing it up if you like spending time with him... friendships tend to have a better average for longevity than (a lot of ) romantic relationships so you can have fun and enjoy yourselves for a lot longer.


Well-known member
Unrequited Love surely does suck big time, though what hurts just as much if not more is when they do love you back but don't/can't be with you. That can really mess with ones head.

I hope you're in a better places now and gained something from the experience


Well-known member
Unrequited love is the worst kind, but since he has told you where he stands i sincerely believe that you will get over it............but it always helps to find someone else to focus your feelings on


Well-known member
Maybe he's not ready for a real relationship, so he's throwing you the warnings. He probably had some interest in you since he made that referenced, but he didn't feel he is ready to treat a girl like a princess yet.