Using Excel to inventory your collection


Well-known member
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum mods!

I wanted to find a way to keep inventory on all my MAC, since I'm a MA and I like knowing what I have, how many, and especially, the total cost (for tax/business purposes). I downloaded excel, and I had no trouble listing everything and the prices from the MAC website, but the actual coding/spreadsheet functions got me lol... I'm definitely not an accountant. After a couple internet searches on how to do a few things, I created a working spreadsheet that keeps track of all my MAC, and the total cost of my collection.

If anyone is interested, PM me and I will email you mine as a sample, and you can just change all the items and stuff with your collection

I thought I'd share, since people here recommend excel, but no one has really explained how to use it

I hope this helps someone


Well-known member
I LOVE using Excel! I just redid my spreadsheet. I'm such an Excel nerd. :p I'll get around to Access one of these days.



Well-known member
^^^ LOL Me too

I am using Excel right now too to inventory my collection but I admit that the last couple of months I have been kinda lazy with the updates


Well-known member

Awesome. I told my local MA that I used excel to keep track of my MAC and she looked at me funny.
Glad to see there are other nerds around...


Active member
LOL I also use Excel. Different colours for example when I wait for some products from Ebay. I can see everything in just a blink


New member
I used to use excel. . but I never had my 'LIST' with me when I needed it. Thanks to google, I use GOOGDOCs. I
google. =p


Well-known member
I used to use excel too, but I would always forget my list of inventory when I went to MAC. I am NOTORIOUS for buying stuff that I already have. Is it bad to say that the main reason I got an Iphone was so that I could put my spreadsheets on Google Docs and have access to them at all times...


Well-known member
I use Excel to keep track of my MAC. I usually document what it was, if it was LE or perm, how many I have ever owned, how many empties I have and if I would ever consider buying it again. Glad to see that I am not the only one who does this. Mine isn't pretty though, I barely know how to type in that program lol.


Well-known member
I use a Access database for mine. It's easy to search for items in database. I never thought about using Excel.


Active member
Tried to PM you but the message said:

  1. riacarolina has exceeded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space.
Can you please PM me a sample of your excel spreadsheet?



You could have used access too. I have done that to keep record of my DVDs and CDs and since I could put them all into catergories and everytrhing like that. I once made a weight chart thing on excel. I love ICT! I also make a budget and a cash book for myself on excel too


Well-known member
Hey, ladies! I use an Excel spreadsheet for my make-up, too, although I'm sure it's less sophisticated than you ladies'. I stripped mine naked and uploaded it to SendSpace for those of you who are interested. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:

Very simple and easy to modify. For the record, I organize my stuff alphabetically by brand, then alphabetically by shade, and that works great for me.
Here's a download link, for those who want it!

Download MakeupInventory.xls from - send big files the easy way


Well-known member
I've got one on googledocs, and nerdy little me was so excited that I worked out how to make an automated form for input. So now its all drop down boxes and check boxes. About the only thing I need to fill out is the name of the e/s for e.g.

Small pleasures....