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Video Tutorial: Dramatic red lips and eyes.


Well-known member
So here's a video tut I made from this FOTD. A VERY dramatic look. I did it that day but it took me a while to edit it and I forgot to post it here :p Sorry about the whole fast forward high speed thing. I had to crunch it for youtube to be 10 minutes. And I was so unorganized. I made the video on a whim and didn't even have my products and colours picked out until the time actually came to apply it! I probably edited out like an hour and a half of junk since I spent time picking colours, answering phone calls inbetween, drinking soda. haha. The Michael Buble music is getting on my nerves but whatev. It's my first video, so be nice!



Well-known member
Thank you very much for this awesome tutorial. I love Michael Buble too


Well-known member
FANTASTIC< I enjoyed seeing this step by step and checking it w/my own routine, it was very helpful! thanks a bunch