Wallace & Gromit


Well-known member
I know we have some W&G fans on here (see my avatar for a nice pic of Gromit [the dog] & Feathers....) so I thought I'd post this....anyway, I went to see the W&G movie "Curse of the Were Rabbit" this weekend and I laughed my butt off. It was so weird but so darn funny! My 5 year old loved it, and my husband even thought it was good. (high praise indeed...) Has anyone else gone to see it yet?


Well-known member
aww i wanna see it. my brother was lookin up stuff for that online and we saw a clip of gromit and the other dog fighting on the flying plane. lol that was SO funny!!!


Well-known member
I've been trying get to the theatre to see this but I haven't been able to yet! I am SO looking forward to seeing it!!


Well-known member
Curse of the Wererabbit was so cute! Lots of um, more adult humor, too - puns and wordplay - good stuff.

Sad to hear about their warehouse burning down earlier this week, though.


Well-known member
Been dying to see the new W&G too. A were-rabbit?! That is the funniest and tamest were-creature I've heard of. It should be a hoot.


Well-known member
I am dying to take Graham to see this movie, but the review in our local paper said it scared the bejezus out of her little girl and now I'm kind of worried. Of course, Graham's favorite movie right now is Corpse Bride so if that didn't scare him I would hope W & G wouldn't either. What do the moms think? Is is gonna freak out my 3 year old or make him laugh?


Well-known member
Might not be familiar to the world audience, but I just found out that Aardman were also responsible for this claymation show I used to watch as a kid called Morph! It was so funny! Back when I was a wee Londoner. I'm still wee, just older.

If you ever get the chance, check it out. Morph is kind of this Gumby-esque guy who helps a human artist draw things (but only his hand is visible). He doesn't talk but makes sounds like Mr Bean. Oh the wave of nostalgia!


Well-known member
I just heard some sad news that the studio they used to create Aardman creations burned down yesterday and destroyed a whole bunch of their memorabilia, and a bunch of sets used for Wallace and Gromit. I hope the movie is popular enough to help them with their losses


Well-known member
I can't wait till I watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks sooooo funnny!! I love the evil penguin!!

I think I'm going on Sunday... :spy:


Well-known member
i haven't seen it yet...but my boyfriend and all his friends and of course I do too. it looks so funny!! maybe this weekend sometime...


Well-known member
I loved it! I saw it yesterday. Some of it was a bit rude for children, but hopefully they would pass on it since they wouldn't understand!


Well-known member
awwwww...i went and saw it tonight with my boyfriend, and another couple that we are good friends with. it is soooo cute!! and funny, but it has some parts i'm pretty surprised they'd put into a 'G' movie. but it was still allllll good. i advise it.