Wearing makeup on a plane?


New member
Kind of a random 2nd posting from a newbie, but I was curious and wanted to ask those who love makeup :) I'm thinking about booking a day trip to IMATS LA in January. I would spend more time there but I can't afford a hotel, so I'm planning on flying out early in the morning and flying back at night. Which means I'll have to do my makeup the morning of before the flight. I usually keep my makeup to a minimum while flying, but going to IMATS I want to go all out with full face makeup, winged liner, false lashes, etc.

The flight will be short, only about 90 minutes I think. Is it worth it to do a full face of makeup before a flight? Or will my face most likely look like crap by the time I get there? What makeup (if any) do you typically wear while flying? Have you ever worn a full face of makeup without it looking terrible by the time you landed? Any other tips will be appreciated, thanks!

(Btw, I hope I posted this in the right place!)


Staff member
If I were to fly anywhere today, I would either wear minimal makeup and take it off on the plane, or I wouldn't wear it at all. I would suggest doing a minimal face in the morning, then -- if at all possible -- adding your other touches either on the plane or after you land, if you have time.


Well-known member
I never use makeup in a plane. Sometimes I even use a sleeping mask (a clear one but I look ultra shine) that is because the air in a plane is very dry and the skin suffers. But the fly attendants do have a full face of makeup and they look fine at the end of fly