What are your favorite color combinations for Blue Brown & Azreal Blue? :)


Well-known member
I am new to pigments... I also have one that is called lemon something and tan pigment... and I just added them along with Blue Brown and Azreal Blue to my collection...

And for some reason, I can't figure out what to pair any of them with!

So I'm curious what your favorite colors are with any of those...

Thanks so much!!!


Well-known member
Blue Brown is one of the harder pigments to work with because without a base, it can make some people look bruised.

For me, I loooove the blue shadestick "Sea Me" underneath it, or a dark base like Carbon e/s, Sharkskin shadestick, or Blacktrack fluidliner used as a base. This will tone down the red shade and make Blue Brown looks beautifully irridescent. For me it's the perfect smokey eye. The Sea Me shadestick underneath makes the blue come out more, it looks awesome! Try it.


Well-known member
Azreal Blue is such a beautiful, versatile shade of blue.

It looks awesome with the obvious shades: Waternymph, Parrot, Steamy, Shimmermoss or Freshwater.

I also love to use with with browns. Azreal Blue all over lid, then a brown e/s blended into the crease & outer V, with Shroom to highlight browbone.

The lemon pigment you have is probably Golden Lemon. This makes a great base when used wet for a gold eye. It also makes a great highlight shade or tapped in the inner corners of the eyes to brighten any look.