What foundation colour?


Active member
I use mac NC35 studio fix concealer, i don't usually use foundation as it always dulls my skin out, or the shade is a tad too light or a tad too dark.
I use NC40 sheer powder by mac if i am going out.

Does anyone have any recommendations?

I always find when going to the store to have foundation matched the lighting is always so strange in natural light the colour is just completely different to what i remember.


Well-known member
Every formula foundation they offer will oxidize differently on your skin...your best bet is to try a couple swatches that you think is near your skin tone (start with nc35 as it does oxidize darker in liquid form), then take a mirror and walk to the outside door to examine how the color looks on you in true light


Well-known member
Better yet, ask for samples. That was you can go around and look at them in any kind of lighting you can manage to find. Just stripe them on your cheek under various lighting. Outside, fluorescent light, tungsten lighting, every lighting.