What is your can't-live-without MAC product(s)?


Active member
pro longwear concealer in nw20 for my under eye circles. i can make do with pretty much any other product from any other company. but not this concealer!


Active member
MSF Blonde
Snob lipstick
English Accent lipglass
Blackline eyeliner
Superwatt eyeshadow
Guilt by Association eyeshadow

I love MAC!


Well-known member
Peaches Blush, Glorify EDSF, Magentic Appeal MSF, Warm Soul MB, Swiss Chocolate e/s and Brown Down e/s are my can't live without items recently.


Whole Lotta Love and Pasdionately Tempted blush Fig 2 and Seedy Pearl eyeshadow Chatterbox, Viva Glam Nicki lipstick Play it Proper Beauty Powder Fleur de Light, Viva Glam Rihanna, Strawberry Malt Lip lipglass


Well-known member
Mehr lipstick

Omega eyeshadow

Prep and prime skin

Breath of Plum blusher

MSF Medium

These are the ones I will always re-buy and love. (so far)


I can't live without:

-pro longwear foundation
-soft ochre paintpot
-mocha (matte) blush
-carbon (matte) eyeshadow

Princesa Livia

Well-known member
I can't live without MAC Pro Longwear Foundation, MAC Blot Powder, MAC fluidlines! Even though I stray to different brands every now and then, I always come back to these ones!


Well-known member
Studio fix fluid. It is the only foundation that I've tried that doesn't break me out. I recommend it to EVERYONE!