Where to get Annabelle online?


Well-known member
Hey, I know which stores sell Annabelle products. But I was wondering if anyone knew where to buy them online? Thanks

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zantedge
You can buy them at londondrugs.com

Here's a link to the Annabelle stuff:
London Drugs

Cool thanks...we don't even have London Drugs out our way (Ontario).


Well-known member
Yeah they do have a lot at Shoppers. I was just looking for the best deal. I went to Shoppers today to get some of the LE Mono shadows. I was suprised that the regular potted ones were 6.99! But thank goodness for Walmart, where they are 3.97. I'm going tomorrow or Thurs for a nice haul (and maybe my first Mac product hehe). I can't wait to post my haul on here