WOC: Brunette Blonde Redhead


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Sweet As Cocoa looks more golden bronze on me
X Rocks looks more burnt rosey bronze and
Brunette Msf looks reddish cocoa

I love them all. Can anyone do a CP for me for Xrocks??? My urge for back ups is back lol.

Im really happy with my purchases. I got:
Brunette msf
Flip e/s
100 strokes e/s
226 brush <3


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ExquizitDiva
Ladies who got the e/s what color is your fav?

100 strokes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by damsel
100 strokes



Well-known member
OK... those are on my list. I'm going for a makeover tomorrow and I know I have to spend @ least $50 which is way too easy to do.


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All I ended up getting were the 2 eye brushes. I was swatching everything comparing them to things I already have and hardly use.


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I got Henna since I don't own Sumptuous Olive yet and Femme-Fi. So tempted to get Flip and Pincurl and Knight.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ExquizitDiva
Ladies who got the e/s what color is your fav?

My fav is also 100 strokes and Pincurl!!! I actually like Pincurl better than Vex. I am actually considering on getting a backup of 100 strokes.

...And there is something about Deep Shade that I love.


Well-known member
^^My faves are 100 Stokes, Femme-Fi (which I've been having a love affair with since Naughty Nautical) and Pincurl which I bought yesterday (very prettttty!). I honestly love all of the shadows I that I purchased.

I'm going back for Deep Shade. I swatched it yesterday and came home to compare it with my other dark blues and it's not like any of them. It has a gorgeous purpleyness to it that I can't live without.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ExquizitDiva
Ladies who got the e/s what color is your fav?

I bought Pincurl....LOVE IT!!!!


Well-known member
So I ended up with Brunette MSF, Femme-Fi and Flip, Henna was GORGEOUS but I doubt I would wear it, nothing else really grabbed me and the 214 was unfortunately sold out.


Well-known member

So BBR just got here in the Philippines. I bought Strawberry Blonde l/g and Blow Dry l/s (needless to say I love them both!), but now I can't get the other products out of my mind. I don't want to end up broke though, so please help me decide! Which among these should I get? I could only get two (at most)

All's Fair l/s
Red Devil l/g - I tested it alongside Lychee Luxe and they're way similar, only it's a tad redder. I figured it might look better on me than LL but they could be dupes of each other
Soft Wave l/g
What A Do! l/s
Quick Tease l/g - I keep thinking it might be too dark but on my lips I think I could make it work

I'm NC40 on Studio Fix Fluid, I also use Studio Fix concealer in NC35.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cocomia

So BBR just got here in the Philippines. I bought Strawberry Blonde l/g and Blow Dry l/s (needless to say I love them both!), but now I can't get the other products out of my mind. I don't want to end up broke though, so please help me decide! Which among these should I get? I could only get two (at most)

All's Fair l/s
Red Devil l/g - I tested it alongside Lychee Luxe and they're way similar, only it's a tad redder. I figured it might look better on me than LL but they could be dupes of each other
Soft Wave l/g
What A Do! l/s
Quick Tease l/g - I keep thinking it might be too dark but on my lips I think I could make it work

I'm NC40 on Studio Fix Fluid, I also use Studio Fix concealer in NC35.

I vote for All's Fair lipstick! I


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I pretty much passed on this collection, but decided just recently that I wanted Quick Tease l/g. My store still had a couple so I got one, and I'm glad I did. I'm NC44/45.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cocodivatime
I'm late on these. is pincurl worth it? Everyone seems to love it. Should I get it before it goes away?

I'd love to know this too. I was eyeing Pincurl when it came out and didn't hear more about it.