Youtube Idiots..


Well-known member
I am a youtube junkie...I love that site..but I don't love the idiocy(sp?) on there..
Example: I post under a video and the remark I make isn't even that bad you get some idiot responding back with harsh curse words, calling you every name but "child of God". It's insane..I posted in a certain music video and this nutcase of a Jonas fan came all up in my world calling me a dipshyte, you're stupid, yada, yada..I was WTF??? So I responded back to this female and told her to bring it on..Well she couldn't keep up with my comebacks and I finally told her to stop posting to me cause she was a bore and you come all up in my world and post to me with your harsh words for no reason at all and when I come back at you you can't handle it..So I finally told her to stop replying to me cause I will instantly delete your response..

GUESS WHAT THIS SO-CALLED HARDCORE IDIOT responded back to me when I told her to not to..So I had to GET ALL GHETTO ON THIS NUTCASE and make it clear..SHE replied again..I just deleted it right there..
You come at me in a video with foul language, insulting remarks and so on for no need at all and then when I come back they get all like...UH? WHAT? HUH?...




Well-known member
true....but that'll teach them a lesson if they want to do that crap again to someone else..I had to put her in her place and let her know..You respond to a dumb remark I made in that video(and it wasn't even something to be cussed out for) and when I bring that to your attention and other remarks you can't handle it..If you read what she would be like WTF??? Where did this come from and why? oh well...I know she got my message loud and clear cause after her second attempt to reply to me I deleted it without even opening it up..