Recent content by Mal

  1. Mal

    Second EOTD! Using My First MAC product ^_^

    I just got in the mail my Golden Olive pigment sample, that I got for $3 Anyway, I was really impressed with myself because of how much I have improved in my make up so I thought I would post my EOTD A FEW MONTHS AGO... Yuck its gross hehe TODAY... My full face...Eeek i hate flash and...
  2. Mal

    My first post...:)

    Well, this is my first EOTD and I'm kinda crummy compared to the rest of you talented girls! I thought I could do with some help, so, please give me some! Also, I own NO expensive shiz...Im kinda poor at the moment So yeah, this is all done with Australis and brushes that came with the palette...