I was trekking around with my mom this weekend and we happened upon a little storefront where they manufacture Terra Firma Cosmetics. My mom lives in a dinky little town (Raymond) here in Washington state and we were quite surprised to find this being manufactured there.
This is hands-down the...
Has anyone seen it yet??
OMG Vin Diesel is haaawwwt...yummy, lick him up with a spoon yummy...sigh*
Seriously, thought the movie was great...took me right back to the first one...way better then the 2 mistakes in between IMO
I'm just wondering if anyone else uses Eminence Organics?
Does it have good reviews in your country?
I've used this in the past and I'm starting to use it again. I really like the idea of all natural organic products and they just smell so darn good
Currently I use the lemon cleanser...
This is my very first thread starter!
I'm just wondering if anyone else uses this line?
If so what do you use?
How you all like it?
I've used this in the past and I'm starting to use it again. I really like the idea of all natural organic products and they just smell so darn good...
I feel like a real jack*ss as I have been on here for like forever, but I don't know how to "thank" a poster.
I've searched everywhere so I didn't have to admit this to you all, but alas to no avail.
*blushes* help a girl out?
Alright, so I have been around here and used this wonderful site to keep up with all things MAC (and occasionally other stuff) for about 2 years now, and finally decided it was time to step up and say hello.