Am I the only geek...


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...who has a forming/formed addiction to sci-fi??

I was raised on Star Trek (you know the old 60s version) cause my dad was a huge fan, but other than that - I wasn't really a big sci-fi fan.

Now, my new hubby is a sci-fi addict. He tried to pull me into several of his shows and movies while we were dating, but I just never really got interested. Now that we are living together I find myself watching all his movies and shows, including, but not exclusive to:
Star Trek (the original series, TNG, Voyager, the movies...)
Dr. Who (which had a wonderfully dry humor - cracks me up all the time)
Stargate (the movie was something I saw when it came out in '94 - but the show is pretty funny - in fact...I'm watching the dh's DVDs right now...)
Eureka, Firefly and numerious other shows the DH has on DVD. Gah...I feel like an addict....and I'm not sure I can survive two.
Heh, I feel like I'm probably the only one who sits down to depot shadows and play with lipglosses while whooping when the bad alien gets his ass kicked...oh yeah, I need help.

(and now I need one of these for sci-fi. Like with little aliens or something.

Anyone else
sci-fi? Of any and all forms? Pllllleeeeaaaasseeee tell me I'm not the only one out here...

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
LOL I'm not a complete sci-fi nerd but I am not opposed to watching shows and movies.

My favorite show in the whole wide world is Smallville. I think that classifies as sci-fi. I like Heroes and LOST, and I used to watch The 4400. I have seen Stargate the series as well as the movie and I like them both a lot.


Well-known member
Geek here and proud. I love Sci-Fi movies and tv shows but not all of them. I'm very selective
I want to point out that I am NOT a nerd lol.

I've played Dungeon's and Dragons and other RPG's, used to play MUDS back in the day as well. Watched Star Trek Next Generation and Star Trek Voyager, and Lexx religiously. Currently watching Battlestar Galatica and Lost, but if I had the Sci-Fi channel I'm sure I'd be watching more! I LOVE Anime + Manga and have been to Sci-Fi and Anime conventions. Star Wars fan? Yep! So yeah there is lots more stuff I could mention but you get the idea. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Embrace your inner geek!


Well-known member
Geeks unite :) I've always been interested in sci fi to some degree, but as my partner loves it, gradually I've become more exposed... He also likes the same shows (Eureka, Firefly, Star Trek, X-Files etc) so gradually I've become hooked on certain things (eg Voyager). It's my little secret though, I'm not sure I'd admit I was watching Star Trek if someone asked me what I was doing the night before!


Well-known member
I am a total sci-fi & fantasy geek! Represent!

Currently mourning the fact that this coming week will bring the final episode of Battlestar Galactica. That show has been pure genius, on every level.

I LOVED Firefly! The few episodes that were made are gems, and it's amazing that the feature film, Serenity, even got made.

I could go on and on and on about my love for great sci-fi.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
Currently mourning the fact that this coming week will bring the final episode of Battlestar Galactica. That show has been pure genius, on every level

It's the abusive husband I keep coming back to. It's the only show this side of The Wire able to toy with my emotions like that. I will miss it so much.


Well-known member
I am also a total geek. I am a major Trekkie, and love shows like Heroes, and most of the comic book movies. I'm also into anime and have been to several anime conventions. I went to Vegas to see Star Trek: The experience

Luckily my husband is into these things as well. He's not as big a fan of Star Trek as I am, but he is more into anime and comic books than me - works out great, cuz I explain Star Trek things to him, and he explains comic book things to me!


Well-known member
I was a Trekkie before I was born! My mom & dad's first date was to Star Trek 4: The voyage home. I even had a starfleet uniform when I was little. I do like Sci-fi stuff other than Star Trek, just look to the left at my avatar. I'm a proud Whovian as well. My favorite show, even though it doesn't really count as Sci-fi, is The Big Bang Theory. If you are a geek and haven't seen it go buy the first season! It's chock-full of jokes only us Sci-fi geeks will get.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MzzRach
I LOVED Firefly! The few episodes that were made are gems, and it's amazing that the feature film, Serenity, even got made.

I'm right there with ya on the love for Firefly. It was a great show (I haven't seen all the eps. yet...I'm still working my way through every ep. of Stargate SG-1....) but I loved loved loved Serenity. In fact, me and the dh loved it so much we ended up with two copies. I bought one the say it came out and accidently he did the same thing. But, just in case one copy gets lost or scratched....we have a spare!

I just recently got back from Vegas - I was sad (not as devistated as the dh, though) when we found out the Star Trek: The Experiance was shut down.
Hopefully it will come back. I had never been before....and he said it was a pretty fun experiance.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nelyanaphonexia
I just recently got back from Vegas - I was sad (not as devistated as the dh, though) when we found out the Star Trek: The Experiance was shut down.
Hopefully it will come back. I had never been before....and he said it was a pretty fun experiance.

Yeah, my dad went out to Vegas and texted me that it had closed. So sad


Well-known member
Heck, no you're not the only geek.

I've read a lot of sci fi (can I get a 'heyyy' for speculative fiction?!), but I've never really seen a lot of it. I loved Firefly. I've watched a lot of space opera/western/just generally 'in space' or futuristic anime.

I was gonna watch BSG when it started here... but they started on Season 4? Wtf? One day I will rent out season 1 and see how that goes. I've probably seen about half of Stargate SG-1, as I used to watch it religiously with my family when I was younger.

I've also played D&D a few times (only Forgotten Realms stuff...), play Arkham Horror (board game, not an RPG, just a really awesome one) regularly, read comics, love cartoons (I know I've seen at least one other person here on various Avatar: The Last Airbender related sites
) and play video games. There's actually lots of us here.

Growing Wings

Well-known member
I'm a bit of a geek too, and proud of it

I love my sci-fi films and tv shows. My favs are probably Stargate, Firefly and Heroes, but I do love a bit of Star Trek too (especially Next Generation).

This year I'm taking a Science Fiction module for my English Lit degree, which is great. I'm currently writing an essay about gender in short stories by Asimov and Gibson. I think I enjoyed reading The Forever War by Joe Halderman the best. Has anyone read any of Ian M Banks' SF stuff? I've read some of his other books, but never any of his science fiction.

I've also been known to play a bit of D&D/role play games (the Firefly role play is good fun!).

Wow, I've actually just realised how geeky I must sound


Well-known member
No, you are not!!! I am a huge Star Trek fan! In fact I have a Star Trek tattoo on my forearm!! Voyager and TNG are my favorites. I'm also into video games, used to be addicted to World of Warcraft, and I love Hellboy comic books. Let your freak flag fly geeky girls.


Well-known member

nelyanaphonexia - I am super jealous of your hubby's DVD collection. That's awesomeness.

Also I am a wanna-be geek. I am definitely not a geek in the specialized knowledge sense of the word. I can't quote you names of episodes or even necessarily remember the names of all the characters but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy watching it. I am definitely excited for the new Star Trek and X-men prequels. I like stories about space, as well as Fantasy/Adventures.

My mom started me on shows like Startrek The Next Generation, Quantum Leap. I love 'wierd' stuff. I am loving lost even though its not sold as a sci-fi show it has those twists and turns that make me think about things. Fringe is proving to be pretty fun as well.

And while I am scared to depot. Believe it or not, since I am single and have no partner to complain about it. (I try to tell myself that not having a man has its advantages and well this one is definitely one of those things I cherish) I plunk my traincases out in the living room and I will watch TV while doing makeup.

And more than BEING a geek, I lovvvvve geeks. I know that's wierd but the really truely geeky people fascinate me the ones who are sooooo into say "Startrek" or "Bablyon 5" . I mean I am not a person to put that much effort into things but I find it fascinating and exhilirating, exiting. Except for the fact that I feel like I would be a TOTAL misfit, i would love to go to comic con or a startrek convention just to be around those kind of people.

Though if I ever go to vegas I am SO going to the startrek museum thingy. I told my sister that once and she thought I was nuts so... I think that makes me at least a touch geeky



Well-known member
Originally Posted by HockeyChick04
You so have to post a pic of your tattoo!!! I wanna see, I wanna see.

Here ya go.


On the right forearm... Starfleet! What what!!! LOL

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