am i the only one?


am i the only person here who has the MSF from avant gold and not see any real difference with or without it? i just bought it today and was all excited to try it when i got home b/c the MA at my counter said it gives you almost perfect skin and when i put it on i really didnt see a difference, i think i see a tiny difference and i liked how my skin looked today but when i rubbed some off on one side of my face and compared it i really didnt see any difference, so before i return it i want to know if im just crazy? or if anyone else has had this experience, i would love to just keep it but im not sure for the 24 dollars i could just get something else that i can actually SEE, but i havent made up my mind yet.


Well-known member
lol, to be honest i don't see much of a difference when i'm using ANY of my msf's (ss, pp, sp & the avant gold).. maybe my technique just sucks though.


Active member
Do you have the 182 kabuki brush?

Originally Posted by Dancrbabe29
i used the 187 brush to apply it

That's what I use and it works great! I definitely see a difference. I think the 187 is meant to apply product lightly where as the 182 is for a heavier application. HTH!