Anyone ever use Liquid Last over the entire lid?


Well-known member
i used aqualine over my lower lid as an eyeshadow. it stayed on a long time and looked nice!! (you need cleanse off oil to remove it)


Well-known member
I haven't used LLL as shadow, but I've seen it done. I can't lie I really just wanted to post so i can say I love your screenname
Crouchingafrodiddenpick..That's great!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lightnlovly
I haven't used LLL as shadow, but I've seen it done. I can't lie I really just wanted to post so i can say I love your screenname
Crouchingafrodiddenpick..That's great!!!!

I have to agree, that is an awesome name!!!!!! Crouching Afro Hidden Pick!! lmao!!!!!!


Well-known member
Ive used classic cream as an all over base and it works really good and IMO is a lil easier to remove than the brighter colors but it still lasts a really long time


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CrouchingAfroHiddenPick
Oh yeah and another question, what would be the best brush to use to LLL on the lid?

My friend has done that and says she uses the concealer brush (I forget the #) to smear it on the lids.

I'm jumping the wagon....I, too, like your username hehehe. It made me giggle out loud at work


Well-known member
Liquidlast Liner On LIDS! (Pic!)

I recently saw a post in one of these forums asking about using Liquidlast liner on the lids as a shadow and I searched for it to no avail. Forgive me for posting something new about it here (mods you wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if you merged this thread with that one
). I just received my August 2006 issue of Essence magazine and they have the most gorgeous picture of a model using Liquidlast in "Aqualine" on her lids, along with Shu Uemura blush in "P Orange 53" under the brow! Here's the pic:


This image really does the vivid, beautiful color no justice, but you'll get the idea!


Well-known member
All I can say is WOW!
She is a godess! I wonder how it was applied?
taklon brush?
i love her lighter brows, and what flawless skin!
It is also cool how they left her upper lashes pretty much alone as not to take away from that striking blue. I imagine it would look clowny with blig old lashes in there. I am so happy to see a fashion magazine going with pics of more daring makeup- and not neutral neutral neutral.