Do all BA's receive gratis every 4 weeks on new products?


Active member
Yes - another gratis question.

My part timer started about 3 weeks before me, then I came on full time as counter manager.

We are launching a new color palette this week, and one of these palettes was shipped right to her door, but I never saw a thing.

Do ALL BAs receive these product updates? Or, is it just a counter manager perk, and maybe she is the one getting it since she started before I did, and at the time, she was the ONLY one at the counter, so they just sent it to her?

I just find it peculiar that she got one and I didn't.

Of course, I will run it by my AE, but I won't be able to touch base with him until next week. Does anyone else here know for sure how this works?

Thanks in advance!