Does MAC make an eye shadow shade similar to Hipnotique eye shadow?


Well-known member
This e/s came out abot a year and a half ago in a collection with the same name. Any suggestions?


Well-known member
Is Prose & Fancy a LE shade? Good thing I live close to a Pro store so I can check out the Pro Aqua.


Well-known member
prose n fancy is a more dirty version of it IMO. there is no other shadow that looks like it really... not that i have seen. pro aqua may though i havent seen that one. but hipnotique is a very light blue (not like sky blue though) and its almost whiteish.


Well-known member
I took a picture of the together:


Aqua is paler and definitely gives POOR payoff - I think it might be worth checking out Zonk bleu! instead, since it gives better payoff, it resembles hipnotique a bit as well.

Hope this helps