HI! I am a feeleancer for MAC, also...I was wondering what you thought about permanent artists treating freelancers like crap?!
Oh wow, I haven't really ever seen this. What happened exactly? Sorry that happened to you.HI! I am a feeleancer for MAC, also...I was wondering what you thought about permanent artists treating freelancers like crap?!
I would ask a manager first about taking pictures. I don't think my old manager really would have been cool with it, because when you think about it is can come across as worrying more about taking pictures for your own private business than worrying about your job at the time... Maybe down the road, but it might not be your best bet as a new-er freelancer. =/ ... Also you can't give business cards out while you are at MAC- you can/will get fired for that if a manager sees you- so just keep that in mind. But I don't think there is an issue with putting it on a business card, as long as you aren't giving them out at counter.Hii all! I just got hired as a MAC freelancer and was wondering if i can include "MAC freelance MUA" on my business cards or is there anything against that? Also, can I include looks that I do in store for customers (with their permission of course) in my portfolio?
Oh I didn't even know that, makes a lot of sense though.out side of MAC you dont work for MAC you can not advertise working for MAC either that is a NO NO only senior artist can do that or managers that have specific card designated to them from MAC
Don't call until you get your number.Hi to everybody on Specktra! Last Friday, I had my interview/demo and got hired for a Freelance/On-Call position! I have never been happier in my life!The process was so fun & it was not as scary as I thought! And I have to say before my interview, I was exploring questions and answers all over Specktra's threads and post to get some tips and answers. So thank you to everybody who replied on other threads.![]()
After going through thr whole process, I learned that every single MAC interview is different. My experience was awesome! If anybody has questions, I would love to help out.
Anyways, I completed paperwork and all that stuff that day, so now I'm playing the waiting game to hear back. Any tips on what I can do now? Obviously I wait to hear from the manager to get my employee number, but do you guys recommend that I call to the stores around my area to see if they have any openings? And I want a permanent position, so any tips for that? The recruiter I spoke with told me just to work hard as freelance and it could happen that way. Another question I had was that I know permanent artists get training, updates, etc. As a freelancer, am I expected to learn about, purchase, and know about all the products I'm unfarmiliar with on my own? Just so many questions on where to start now! I'm so excited to work my first day.THANKS!
Oh yeah, very true!When I got hired, my manager said that freelancers do not get any training so you'll just have to watch other artists.
As for calling other counters, I went to the other counter and spoke with the manager and gave her my info and then kept calling the counter that hired me to check if i got my number until i did. You just have to be persistent but not annoying... there's a very fine line between the two![]()
Thanks! I got my employee number an also landed my first freelance gig for this upcoming black friday! What's the first freelance day like? I know my manager is gonna be there to help me, shes a sweetheart! and told me she is working that shift too so she can show me everything so I'm not just thrown in. As for other counters, I called a few and let them know I was interested and they took down my info. Should I call all the locations Im interested in working at, or will I get calls from them when they need me?
It varies by mall I'm sure, but black Friday at my counter wasn't that bad. MAC doesn't have sales or anything, so we never got any busier than we were on like... a Saturday.Thanks! I got my employee number an also landed my first freelance gig for this upcoming black friday! What's the first freelance day like? I know my manager is gonna be there to help me, shes a sweetheart! and told me she is working that shift too so she can show me everything so I'm not just thrown in. As for other counters, I called a few and let them know I was interested and they took down my info. Should I call all the locations Im interested in working at, or will I get calls from them when they need me?