I need some advice for my demo.


Well-known member
Ok, so I have a freelance demo at the Macy's Union Square counter. I didn't go through a group interview, they just told me to come & do a demo for them next thursday. But anyways, I need some advice. Ok, so I know to sanatize everything, talk with the customer, etc. I was just wondering do I put moisturizer then prep & prime on the face before anything? I usually do eyes first then face, does it matter which I do first? Yeah, I'm a little freaked about this because it came out of nowhere. Hehe =X Also should I bring my own brushes?? Any other advice would be great too.

Oh yeah, and I don't have a for sure model to work on yet. A co-worker said she might be able to do it, but isn't sure. So I'm looking for a backup model. Would any of you lovely ladies like to be a model for me? =D

MAC is love

Well-known member
I think different people do it differently, but I've mostly heard of finishing the eyes, then starting on the face. So once you start with the face, apply something like Strobe cream with a brush, then Prep+Prime face with a brush. Good luck with your interview


Well-known member
Prep the face first (wipes, moisturizer, prep & prime)....then I would say to do the skin, but if eyes first is your way of working, go with that (you don't want to mess with your flow on an interview)...and bring your own brushes just incase-as long as they are MAC.


Well-known member
I actually prep the face, eyes and lips first then do eyes. I think it would even be okay to prep with mousturizer, fast response eye cream and lip conditioner, then do the eyes and then do prep and prime followed by foundation. It just depends on if you like to use prep and prime immediately before the foundation, I kind of do.
When doing these things I would explain to the client that you are prepping her skin so that it will be more comfortable while you do her eyes. Then inform her that you are doing the eyes first to counter-act any fall-out from the shadow. I think you should be sure to explain these steps during the demo so that the manager over-looking it understands the method to your madness
Don't worry so much about if you do the eyes first, all of the trainers down here actually recommend doing it that way. Also it's okay to use a wipe to clean up any shadow fall-out. If you leave some moisturizer on your petri dish you can apply more to any areas you have cleaned up with a wipe.
Best of luck


Well-known member
make sure you have all products alligned neatly and put every brush on the counter afer using them. try to cross-promote products as you explain each step.
bring your own brushes just in case and prep skin with wipes, moisterizer,....Usually they do observe technique , so try to do foundation and all this then eyes. i've heard some find it acceptable to do eyes and then the face- but it's not really professional. Remenber MAC is owned by estee lauder now and key is selling products. make sure you have time for a face chart- very important. try not to take all of the alotted time , speed and quality, communication are key. If you do bring your own model ask her in advance about preferences. Also never forget your best friend ,the petri dish( spatula used for eyeliners, foundation, ....) It's very important that you follow all sanitation steps. steps. Do not be scared to touch the model & mints are your new best friend
make sure you eat before and think of positive things. You can do it!!! Sometimes your not supposed to touch the face so practice using brushes without support. insider tip: bring a powder puff with a ( i forgot the name ) the little strap on it . this way you can put your pinky in it and rest ( not completly ) your puff on her/his cheek to do detailed eye application and brows. Don't forget to layer lipstick, lipliner& gloss....Know basic cosmetic ingerdients such as fillers, emollients ,antioxidants and so forth.... feel free to Pm me for a good link and other questions


Well-known member
OMG OMG!!! I am so excited for you! I didn't go through a group interview either and it was MUCH less stressful than I ever imagined it would be. So... I used a wipe to clean, strobe cream and them prep and prime face. I did face foundation first, then eyes, blush, dusted with powder and lips. I wasn't given a certain look to complete, she just had me talk with my model about what she typically wears and what she is looking for. I picked my products based on our conversation. It was really easy to communicate. Just tell your model what products you are using, what they do and how to use them properly. Speak slowly though =).

I didn't take my own brushes, I saw the extras one day so I knew what my options would be and I didn't need anything additional. I wahsed them before we got started, laid everything out on tissue, put my brushes in order of use, got out all of my disposables, and all products I would be needing.

Doing the demo was actually very relaxing. It was like hanging out with my friend and doing her make up like I've done at home before. I wasn't really shadowed or stalked by the other girls or the manager like I anticipated. The manager would come by and just listen to our dialogue so she could hear my basic knowledge of product and instruction to the model.

I finished well under time. Don't let the time thing stress you out. If you think about it too much it will be the only thing you think about rather than your application and you don't want anything to interfere with that.

As far as sanitation goes, like I said, I laid everything out on tissue, cleaned my brushes before hand, had out my disposables, wiped down the shadows with a tissue, dipped everything in alcohol before I used it and that was about it.

One thing the manager complimented and brought up more than once was the fact I gave my model the mirrior in the beginning so she could watch what I was doing the whole time.

I wish you the best of luck girlie! Let me know if you have any other questions. I'm sure you will be just fine!


Well-known member
what time is your freelance interview? i would totally consider doing it if it's before i leave for work (i don't have to be there until 7:30 PM), especially since i want to learn the whole process for when i finally get my balls up to do it myself...


Well-known member
WOW how did I miss this?! When's your demo, because if I'm free I'll totally be your model. PM me or you can IM me on AIM (amoona01). Hopefully it didn't pass yet! I have basic M-W this week so let me know girl. I went through the demo at Union Square so hit me up and I'll give you tons of tips!

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