Jewelescent Question!

Hiya! I am nice and new to this but am a total MAC addict and have been for ages! Quick question about jewelescent though, I went into the pro store in London yesterday and I just love all of the new stuff and have to have it all. I noticed it was up on the web today but what I wanted to know is how long til LE stuff sells out in the UK?? Is it days or normally a bit longer?? I don't get paid til a week on Monday that's why I am asking, I am all worried I will miss out! Any help greatly appreciated, thank you xx


Well-known member
LE items can sell out quite fast in the UK but it depends on how much of an item the sotre or counter has recieved. I know my counter only got 4 of the jewelmarine glitter and seen as its xmas, that was bound to sell out. I've known things sell out on the day of release before!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by madkitty
my store sold out of oxidate glitter liner in 3 days!!!!

I totally forgot about the release of jewelescent
and got the last glitter liner in the shop, it wasn't the colour i intended on getting but i love it all the same
Aaah I'm sad now! I sent my boy out to get me the glitter yesterday but I wasn't allowed to go myself and I wasn't allowed anymore pretties because apparently paying the rent is more important than my MAC! I personally think me having lots of MAC is far more important than the rent but there you go!! I live in London so I will just have to hope I can still find some next week from somewhere!! I know you can always buy off ebay but I really don't trust the stuff to be real!
Thanks for the help tho girlies xx