Lure Banned


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Originally Posted by midnightlouise
Hello fellow Nashvillian! I went to that Mt Juliet Belk for the first time a few weeks ago because my SIL wanted to meet there, and they didn't seem very impressive in the make-up department! I doubt they'll ever get a MAC counter. (but that shopping area might be pretty amazing once they get done with it!)
Looks like they also have Belk in Springfield and Gallatin, but the only Belk in TN to have MAC is in Knoxville as someone mentioned.

Oh well, we have the freestanding in Green Hills, and counters in Parisian in Franklin & Hechts in Rivergate

The Belk here in Johnson City carries MAC


Well-known member
I wonder if ours will be selling it. We only have one MAC counter here, and that is at Belk. People around here are pretty conservative. Not many people even wear make-up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Peaches
Old people have boobs too.

Yes, but generally theirs doesn't look as good as hers.

maybe it's jealousy. hahahaha