I had called my Macy's counter yesterday and luckily spoke to an assistant manager who knew me. She talked to a manager and they kindly put a BBB aside for me (I had a job interview and couldn't go at opening. They couldn't guarantee anything but said they would do their best). I got there about 11:30, 11:45 this morning. They were sold out of the mascara, liner and brush, and Selena and Fotos eyeshadow. But they had my BBB! They actually told me I could have 3 if I wanted to pay the $$,

I tried on BBB and liked it a lot more than I thought I would. So I got two...and what the heck..since they had all 3 lipsticks ...I tried on AP and it looked good with BBB so I got a backup of AP. (I got one originally in Oct). Shew. I think I'm done done done until/when the Beauty and Beast collection comes out.
OT but I finally used up this week my Cinderella Coupe D Chic highlighter and Cheeky Bugger (Osborne) blush. So I broke out today the Nutcracker Sweet Vision..and I LOVE IT!