Pigment jars getting smaller; prices staying the same


Well-known member
Yes you can still order and I'll let you know when I receive mine whether they're the large size or the new jars. I just ordered a couple of days ago. I think I'm going to call around to some pro stores tomorrow to get some pro pigments in the large jars if they're still available.

I think they'll just sell the larger jars until they run out, and then replace them with the new jars, so there likely won't be a firm date when the new jars are released (except for All Ages, obviously).


Well-known member
i just went to mac today and talked to a mac mua, she told me to hurry up and buy whatever piggies i need because they're gonna be changing them pretty soon. so i'm guessing they're probably just gonna send the old larger ones to ccos or something.


Well-known member
An amount of 7.5g is a lot and other brands loose eyeshadows are smaller, yes. But MAC has surely made profit with the 7.5g pigments too.
If the old pigments were such a money losing business MAC had changed them years ago.. or never even offered such a size.

I would have preferred the old jars with a price increase of maybe from $19.50 too $22 and here from 23EUR to 25EUR but a 3g smaller jar with a gramm price that increases about 67% is nasty.

And the worst thing are the new jars. Sure they now match the nail polishes and Fix+ and foundation etc packaging
but especially pigments are a collectible. Pigments surely are not a product an average customer most likely buys.. pressed eyeshadows are much more convenient. I imagine that Pigments are mostly bought by makeup lovers and MAC addicts and a lot of them collect MAC.

I think a lot of people who start to fall or fell for Pigments then buy a lot more.. and often start to collect them. And a new packaging is just not a little inconvenience.

I am really disappointed in MAC because they should knew that they are in comparison to other brands different. How many users of other brands would call themself addicts?
MAC has created a hype around its products and its brand so they have achieved a tremendous amount of loyal customers. They should have known that changing the packaging of such a highly collected product is not just an inconvenience... it is actually a disaster.


Well-known member
I just called the Pro Store in Orlando, FL to order some pigments and glitters, and I was told that they just got their shipment of the new jars in today. I was able to get all but one of the glitters the in the large jar. Now I've gotta track down that last one in a large jar!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by purrtykitty
I just called the Pro Store in Orlando, FL to order some pigments and glitters, and I was told that they just got their shipment of the new jars in today. I was able to get all but one of the glitters the in the large jar. Now I've gotta track down that last one in a large jar!

Oh crap. This bodes ill for the orders I am waiting on.


Well-known member
Ugh, utter failure on the last glitter, Reflects Pearl. NONE of the Pro stores has the large jar (and I call them all). I called Pro c/s and was told yes they have the large jar, but couldn't order from that line since I wasn't a pro member. Then I was transferred to place my order only to be told by a different rep that Reflects Pearl was not in stock. My only hold-out is Vegas, which has 75 boxes to unpack, but I have a feeling those are the new sized jars. Poo...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lilibat
Oh crap. This bodes ill for the orders I am waiting on.

You may still be OK. From what I've been told, the new jars aren't supposed to be released until January or, it seems, until stock runs out. My order for the two regular-line pigments arrives tomorrow, so I'll update then which ones I get.


Well-known member
I'm with everyone on the smaller size, same price deal.....shame on you MAC!
...Has anyone written to MAC and voiced their concern/anger/opinon about this?
This is definitely going to make me less loyal to MAC...a lot of the reason I buy it is because it's relatively affordable, but the price increases + the fact that other brands go on sale or do cheap palettes and sets more is making me way more inclined to buy MUFE, UD, or cheaper brands.


Well-known member
I went to the SF pro store today. Saw the abomination. The MA I talked to was completely baffled by the change too and encouraged me to complain through the website. She also says she has no idea if they are going to RTV or sell through yet. If they RTV at least we can get some love at CCOs.


Well-known member
I get the feeling a lot of pigment may not go to CCOs. It seems people are buying them now (I caved and bought what was left on my must have piggie list last night because I'm not near a CCO.) and they couldn't have had that many jars left if they're replacing them. That makes no business sense at all. If the whole issue is selling 7.5 for 19 dollars loses money (which I'm sure they'll try to spin this as). How would selling them for less make them money?

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
^The thing is they didn't lose money. A business would never design and make and relesase a product that is ntended to not make a profit. MAC just wants extra profit so less product for us.


Well-known member
this does suck but like purrtykitty said, mac pigments are still a great deal. yea they're not announcing to the world that the sizes changed but it's not like they're 'sneaking' away with it because it does say it on the jar/box. oh well. this is definitely gonna be tough on sample sellers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
this does suck but like purrtykitty said, mac pigments are still a great deal. yea they're not announcing to the world that the sizes changed but it's not like they're 'sneaking' away with it because it does say it on the jar/box. oh well. this is definitely gonna be tough on sample sellers.

That might be a big part of the point, people make a pretty penny on selling piggie samples and MAC obviously wouldn't want that. IMHO a good business move would be to sell smaller piggies (like 2 grams maybe?) at counters and charge like, $10 for them. People would be more likely to buy them because it isn't too much and it costs less at face value.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V2LUCKY
I'm with everyone on the smaller size, same price deal.....shame on you MAC!
...Has anyone written to MAC and voiced their concern/anger/opinon about this?

Not as of yet. They haven't been officially released, so those who aren't in the know (like us) have no idea what's coming. I will send an e-mail once All Ages is released since that will be the first appearance of the jars, and I can articulate exactly what it is I don't like about them (besides less pigment for the same money).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
That might be a big part of the point, people make a pretty penny on selling piggie samples and MAC obviously wouldn't want that. IMHO a good business move would be to sell smaller piggies (like 2 grams maybe?) at counters and charge like, $10 for them. People would be more likely to buy them because it isn't too much and it costs less at face value.

One thing I discussed with the MA today was why don't they just sell vials at stores/counters for those who want less product but keep the bigger jars for the pro store? That way everyone can be happy. Right?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lilibat
One thing I discussed with the MA today was why don't they just sell vials at stores/counters for those who want less product but keep the bigger jars for the pro store? That way everyone can be happy. Right?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
^The thing is they didn't lose money. A business would never design and make and relesase a product that is ntended to not make a profit. MAC just wants extra profit so less product for us.

Oh, I know they are. Companies, in general not just MAC, aren't gonna say "We make enough money, but we want to make even more while the economy is in the tank". They're probably gonna say the old jars weren't cost effective, even if they were. Who knows how long this idea has been in motion? Maybe long enough that the date of the new jars coming in is just the right date for the old jars to be completely phased out. There's aslo the factor that thisa information has been leaked out. Maybe a lot of pigments will be bought (in store, nonpro site, ect) before they even make it to the CCO. It's not smart business to introduce a new jar when you have so many of the old ones you have to sell them at discount. I'm just saying, don't be surprised if CCOs aren't swimming in piggies. They may be, but I'm just saying I don't think they will be.


Well-known member
You know, I would be much less annoyed by this if they didn't pull out such a craptasmal design for the new jars. The vial designs have always sucked; there's a reason why the NYX pigments are always seen repotted. It would've been a better idea to keep the same general jar design, just "shorten" the jar a little.