Please help me identify the colours of my eyeshadows!


Well-known member
It just hit me that I have forgotten the names of some of my eyeshadows after de-potting them
. ( Note to self: peel off the label from the pot and stick it on bottom of pan in the future! lol ).

Anyyyyways, I would really appreciate it if any of you girls could help me identify the colours that I have! I know some of them, and I think I know others....but please correct me if I am wrong! I hope the pictures I have taken give a relatively true colour. There are just 2 palettes ( 4 and 15), but I wanted to take a couple of pics to see if it helped with deciding what colour it is.

Thank you! (oh, and please excuse the mess of my palettes



Well-known member
The first shadow in the quad is def. Patina. The green shade in the quad looks like Humid, unless it is a LE or d/c shadow. Humid is the only color that green. The shadow right by Shroom looks like it could be Gleam. The color under the shadow you have labled as Satin Taupe (the very dark one) looks like Smut. And the brown shade looks like Mulch, although it could also be Sable. I hope that helped some.


Well-known member
15 pan pallette:

bottom row, 2nd in from the right looks like Beauty Marked

2nd row from top, 2nd one in from the left looks like Black Tied


Well-known member
In the quad, bottom right looks like it could be humid. In the 15 pan palette, top row middle could be pink freeze?


Well-known member
Thank you so much for your replies

Yes, Pink Freeze! Humid in the quad, yes I think that is right also. And also Smut...those names definitely ring bells! lol
I can't remember ever having bought Black Tied or Sable (although BT is on my "list of eye shadow wants"
). Hmmm Beauty Mark sounds familar, but I'm not sure if that is the dark colour or not.

Thank you again
Any other input greatly appreciated


Well-known member
Hmm, I think the green in the quad might actually be De Menthe. And Sweet Lust...that sounds familiar too >.< I think I have Pink Freeze in a Holiday e/s set, and that is what I am thinking of.